Note: Every time there is an incident of violence against an abortionist, abortion-rights leaders throughout the country blame peaceful pro-life street activity for what happened. In response to this reaction, the following statement has been issued by pro-life leaders, both rejecting violence and refusing to be accused of promoting precisely what we reject. It is interesting to note, furthermore, that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had to respond to the same criticisms when violence on the part of some in the civil rights movement was blamed on the peaceful activity he was organizing. We have posted his Letter from the Birmingham Jail, and especially point out his answer to the charge of precipitating violence.For over two decades, people in America who oppose abortion have peacefully taken this message to the streets.
The recent violent acts of a few people have made some question whether pro-lifers should continue their street activities.
We first of all reject violence as a solution to any problem. Pro-life people who choose to kill are being inconsistent. Pro-abortion people who lament the killings are also inconsistent because they tolerate daily killing of babies. The only consistent and correct position is to reject both the violence of shooting and the violence of abortion. That is the position we take.
Pro-life "rhetoric," furthermore, is not a cause of violence. To say "abortion kills babies" is not "rhetoric"; it is truth. To be silent would be irresponsible, and it is not an option.
In reality, "pro-choice" rhetoric fuels violence, because it says life may be destroyed at will.
The pro-life message needs to be proclaimed on the public streets of America. The biggest mistake prolife people could make at this moment is to retreat from the streets. To do so would deprive countless people of hearing the pro-life message, would lead to the loss of many lives that can be saved by prayerful presence and counseling at abortion mills, and would create a vacuum which would likely be filled by more violent activity.
Throughout world history, social reform has been effected by people bringing their message to the streets in organized non-violent ways. This is the moment to increase such activity. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to do so, even when their message is one of great controversy.
Pro-life presence in the streets, furthermore, does not have to be limited to the abortion mills. Presence at the mills is essential, but the women who buy abortions do not live at these places. They are in every community and neighborhood. By spreading the truth on every street corner, pro-lifers can save lives and help persuade the public that violence is never a solution. We intend to plan, promote, and intensify peaceful, prayerful and legal pro-life street activity throughout the nation. We will not stop it until abortion stops.
If America wants to reject violence, let it reject abortion without further delay!
Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life
Fr James Heyd
Rev. Flip Benham
Fr Charles Fiore
Rev Keith Tucci
Joseph Scheidler
Dr. Curtis I Harris
J Randy Hinsely
Revs Gordon & Nancy Peterson
Fr. Paul Marx
Fr Matthew I Habiger
William Cotter
Monsignor Phillip Reilly
Camille Giglio
Kevin Cunningham
Theo Sterns I .O.P.
Fr Ivan Rovera
Rev Johnny Hunter
Rev. Kirk Heldreth
Edward J. Martin
Chris & Joan Bell
Jerry Crawford
Kenneth Fisher
Kevin Baust
Jody Clemons
Chet Gallagher
Rev Michael S Warren
Philip Faustin
Richard Gallagher
Timothy R Fix
Mercedes Arzu Wilson
Tom McGlade
Gregg Cunningham
Jerome F Coniker
Lynn Mills
Chris Sapp
Rev Gerald Frank
Rev. James J Pinto
John Heithaus
Michael Matthews
Rev Terry Gensemer
Jack DeVault
Christine Williams
Rev Michael McHugh
Richard Traynor
Terry Sullivan
Rod Jagos
Inge McNeill
Rusty Lee Thomas
Robert Behn
Robert Peters, Esq.
Jack Humphries
Km Anderson
J T. Finn
Dorothy Boyett
Rev Michael G. I Haley
Rev Robert Schenck
Tim & Terry Palmquists
Denise Billings
Tom Raddell
Hanna Klaus
Robert E Cooley
Kelly Clark
Mr. Gerry Zeller
Paul Vaughn
Rev. Daniel Vinzant
Fr. Francis Butler