He has Given the Babies back to You…

From the Postcommunion reflection after Norma McCorvey's first Communion

Fr. Frank Pavone

August 17, 1998

The following is an excerpt of a reflection given by Fr. Frank Pavone at the conclusion of the Mass at which Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade, was received into the Catholic Church and made her Confirmation and First Holy Communion on August 17, 1998 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Dallas, Texas.

Norma, reflect carefully on what has happened now that you have received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion.

Our Faith teaches that by His Incarnation, the Son of God joined all humanity to Himself. In some fashion, every human being of all time is united to Him. This, of course, includes every human being in the womb, and includes those who were aborted.

Today, you have received the very same flesh of the Son of God, to which all humanity has been joined. That means, Norma, that today, in giving you His Body, Jesus has also given you back all the babies that were aborted because of what you did. He has reunited to you all the children who never got to play in the playgrounds. He has restored them to you, closing the distance between you and them. He has reconciled them to you and given you peace.

The first time I ever interviewed you, I started by saying, "So, you are the Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade." You responded, "No, Father, I was the Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade." Norma, those words were never more true than they are today. Amen.

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