Fr. Frank, Bless you for your message on
EWTN about choosing life... Your rationale for your stance
on abortion convinced me that my Pro-choice position was in direct opposition to
God's will in our lives. Because of your homily I now believe that abortion is,
in fact, the murder of one of God's children. Thank-you and may God Bless
you, - Rick, Arkansas
Find all of these including more recent homilies in our audio library.
April 2, 2019:
Homily to national pro-life leaders at a meeting in Washington DC
January 3, 2018:
Homily to national pro-life leaders at a meeting in Washington DC
July 20, 2017:
God and Politics 2017: Fr. Pavone Homily to Catholic Marketing Network
June 15, 2017:
Mass for Pro-Life Leaders in Washington, DC
September 29, 2016:
At the Catholic View for Women pilgrimage at EWTN, Fr. Frank celebrated Mass
and preached in the Crypt Chapel where Mother Angelica is buried. This is
his homily.
July 27, 2016:
Catholic Marketing Network Mass: Voting
March 31, 2016:
Terri's Day Mass at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cathedral. On the
11th anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo, Fr. Frank Pavone was the
celebrant and homilist for the memorial mass held at the Cathedral of the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Listen to his homily, in which he relates her
death to the meaning of Easter and of the Year of Mercy.
January 7, 2016:
Mass for Pro-Life Leaders
October 27, 2015:
Mass for Pro-Life Leaders
August 6, 2015:
Priests for Life Staff Mass in Staten Island, NY [Video]
July 25, 2015:
Evening Mass for National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium in Chicago
July 25, 2015:
Morning Mass for National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium in Chicago
July 24, 2015:
Mass for the national Catholic Marketing Network conference held in
Somerset, New Jersey
July 23, 2015:
Mass for the national Catholic Marketing Network conference held in
Somerset, New Jersey
July 10, 2015:
At the National Right to Life Convention in New Orleans
June 4, 2015:
Mass for the Catholic View For Women
Pilgrimage to EWTN
April 10, 2015:
Homily for Easter Friday at the Heartbeat International Conference
April 8, 2015:
Homily for Easter Wednesday at the Heartbeat International Conference
April 7, 2015:
Homily for Easter Tuesday at the Heartbeat International Conference
November 23, 2014:
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa on the Feast of Christ the King -- Mass 5
November 23, 2014:
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa on the Feast of Christ the King -- Mass 4
November 23, 2014:
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa on the Feast of Christ the King -- Mass 3
November 23, 2014:
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa on the Feast of Christ the King -- Mass 2
November 22, 2014:
National Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa on the Feast of Christ the King -- Mass 1
November 16, 2014: Homily at Mary Immaculate Church,
Farmers Branch, TX
November 15, 2014:
Homily at Mary Immaculate Church,
Farmers Branch, TX
October 24, 2014:
Fr. Frank Pavone preaches homily to pro-life activists in Fargo, ND.
October 19, 2014:
Fr. Frank gives homily at Saint Patrick’s Church, Harrisburg, PA
September 13, 2014:
Mass at West Coast pro-life conference. Feast of the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross: Love, expressed in the cross, is the foundation of the
pro-life movement.
September 5, 2014:
Homily for Goretti Group on Staten Island, NY
September 4, 2014:
Homily to Priests for Life Staff
September 3, 2014:
Called to Sit on the Throne of God:
Homily at Priests for Life Volunteer Appreciation Mass
July 31, 2014: Homily at Catholic Marketing Network 2014 [Transcript]
July 25, 2014:
Fr. Frank Pavone preaches at the Pro-life Mass of the 4th Annual Napa
Institute, July 25, 2014, Napa, California.
June 29, 2014: Fr. Frank preaches at Saint Martin of Tours parish,
Louisville, KY on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul [Homily
One] [Homily
June 27, 2014:
Fr. Frank’s Homily to Leaders at the 2014 National Right to Life Convention,
Louisville, KY, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 18, 2014:
Fr. Frank Preaches at Priests for Life Headquarters at Mass asking blessings
on Cathie Norris in anticipation of her wedding.
May 31, 2014:
Fr. Frank Preaches at the Mass for the Marian Conference in New Jersey on
the Feast of the Visitation
May 15, 2014:
Fr. Frank delivers a homily to national pro-life leaders gathered in
Washington, DC on May 15, 2014
May 18, 2014: Fr.
Frank preaches at New Life Outreach Church in Fredericksburg, VA
April 20, 2014:
Fr. Frank’s homily on Easter Sunday at his home parish, Corpus Christi
Church, Port Chester, NY
April 3, 2014:
Priests for Life Staff Mass, Staten Island, NY
March 27, 2014:
Heartbeat International Conference
February 9, 2014:
Fr. Frank at Club Zion Church in Cocoa Beach, FL
February 8, 2014:
Mass at the Legatus Annual Summit, Orlando, FL
February 2014:
Fr. Frank at the Council for National Policy (February 2014)
January 19, 2014:
Believer's Bible Christian Church, Atlanta. "Where is Your
Brother. Expanding the Beloved Community."
January 8, 2014:
Homily of Fr. Frank at Mass for Pro-life Leaders, Washington, DC on January
8, 2014
October 27, 2013:
Fr. Frank at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in West Grove, PA
October 26, 2013:
Fr. Frank at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in West Grove, PA
October 16, 2013:
Homily to Pro-Life Leaders
October 1, 2013:
Fr. Frank’s homily to volunteers of Priests for Life at Volunteer
Appreciation Day, October 1, 2013
September 29, 2013:
Fr. Frank at St. Michael's in Sioux City, Iowa
September 22, 2013:
Mass for pro-life coordinators Archdiocese of Chicago
May 9, 2013:
Fr. Frank's Homily given at the Naming Service of the Gosnell Babies at the
Priests for Life Office, Staten Island, NY
April 26, 2013:
Fr. Frank's
Homily given at the Catholic Leadership Conference, Charlotte, NC
April 25, 2013: Fr. Frank's
Homily given to the Priests for Life Staff
April 17, 2013:
Fr. Frank's Homily given at Holy Spirit Cathedral in Bismarck, ND
April 5, 2013:
Fr. Frank's Homily at the Heartbeat International Conference,
Dallas, TX
April 4 2013:
Frank's Homily at the Heartbeat International Conference, Dallas, TX
March, 9, 2013:
Homily for Conservative Leaders - Marana, AZ
February 17, 2013:
Homily given at St. John The Evangelist Cathedral, Lafayette, LA
February 9, 2013:
Fr. Frank's sermon at the National Legatus Summit, Scottsdale, AZ
November 1, 2012:
All Saints Day in Ohio
October 30, 2012:
At the University of Steubenville
Homilies given by Fr. Frank Pavone on Respect Life Sunday, October 7, 2012 at
St. Joan of Arc parish, Saint Clair Shores, Michigan. [Saturday
Vigil Mass 4pm], [6pm],
8am], [12
September 13, 2011:
What We Should Remember About Our Priests (EWTN Live Televised Mass) [Watch
September 12, 2011:
For Whom Should I Vote? (EWTN Live Televised Mass) [Watch
September 11, 2011:
EWTN Live Benediction [Watch
September 11, 2011:
Learning from September 11 (EWTN Live Televised Mass) [Watch
September 10, 2011:
Build on a Solid Foundation (EWTN Live Televised Mass) [Watch
September 9, 2011:
Be a Slave to the Slaves (EWTN Live Televised Mass)
September 6, 2011:
All You Need is in Jesus Christ (EWTN Live Televised Mass)
August 14, 2011:
Homily at St. Michael's Parish, Poway, CA
July 24, 2011:
EWTN Live Televised Mass
July 23, 2011:
EWTN Live Televised Mass
June 16, 2011:
Fr. Frank's sermon at the Legatus Meeting, Hollywood, CA
April 16, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass - Bringing God’s People to Unity
April 15, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass (22:31) - Moving with Courage from Darkness to
April 14, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass (23:37) - Hope Gives Rise to Life
April 13, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass (20:49) - The Truth Will Set You Free
April 12, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass - Strength for the Journey
April 11, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass (20:17) - Let the Sinner Turn to Me and Live!
April 10, 2011:
EWTN Televised Mass (37:40) - Untie Him and Let Him Go Free!
March 31, 2011:
Terri's Day Mass, Ave Maria, FL (27:00)
December 4, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (23:22) - We Are People of the New
December 3, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (23:22) - The Tyrant Will Be No More
December 2, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (08:56) - Building Peace by Welcoming the
October 2, 2010:
Homily on Habakkuk 1-2: The Vision Presses On To Fulfillment
September 17, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass(18:00) - I Believe in the
Resurrection of the Body! [¡Yo
creo en la Resurrección del Cuerpo!]
September 16, 2010:
Televised Mass (22:00) - Hold fast to the Gospel! [¡Agárrese
del Evangelio!]
September 15, 2010:
Televised Mass (20:00) - Our Lady of Sorrows [Nuestra
Señora de los Dolores]
September 14, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (20:00) – Lift High the Cross! [¡Levanta
en Alto la Cruz!]
September 13, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (23:00) – Proclaim the Death of the Lord Until
He Comes! [¡Proclama
la Muerte del Señor Hasta Que El Vuelva!]
September 12, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (41:00) – Come Back to the Lord! [¡Regresa
al Señor!]
July 24, 2010:
Televised Mass (20:00)
July 23, 2010:
Televised Mass (23:00)
April 27, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass (24:00)
- I am the Good Shepherd
April 16, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass: How Christ Transforms Pagan Politics (26:30)
April 15, 2010:
EWTN Televised Mass: The Name Above All Other Names (25:00)
April 14, 2010:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: God So Loved the World (24:00)
April 13, 2010:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: Proclaiming Christ and Serving Human Needs (26:00)
April 12, 2010:
Live Televised Mass: You Must be Born Again (25:00)
April 11, 2010:
Live Televised Mass: Divine Mercy and Divine Mission (41:00)
April 10, 2010:
Live Televised Mass: Obey God Rather than Men (19:00)
April 7, 2010:
EWTN Live Televised Mass:
In the Breaking of the Bread (18:00)
April 6, 2010:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: He is Risen and is With Us! (21:00)
October 30, 2009:
Live Televised Mass: What is the Greatest Tragedy in Life? (21:22)
October 28, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: The Church: Apostolic and Dynamic (17:43)
October 27, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: The Power of Living by Hope (21:24)
October 26, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: Freedom in the Spirit (19:41)
October 25, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Masss: Living as a Priestly People (34:06)
September 12, 2009:
Fr. Frank's homily at the Franciscan University of Steubenville
June 4, 2009:
The Foundations of Service and Social Justice: In this
homily, given at Priests fife
headquarters on June 4, Fr. Frank
Pavone examines the Scriptural basis
for social justice and the defense
of life. (25:00)
March 17, 2009: Fr. Frank's
meditations on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary at the alternate
commencement ceremony at Notre Dame: [Resurrection]
of the Holy Spirit] [Assumption]
March 8, 2009:
Fr. Frank Pavone at Ave Maria University Baccalaureate Mass
March 5, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass: I'm Mad
as Can Be and I'm
Not Going to Take it Anymore!
March 3, 2009:
Live Televised Mass: We Dare to say "Our Father"
March 2, 2009:
Live Televised Mass: Sins of Omission
February 26, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass:
Choose Life
February 24, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass
- Everyone Can Serve
February 23, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass - The Wisdom of God
February 22, 2009:
EWTN Live Televised Mass
- Behold I am Doing Something New
October 8, 2008:
Homily given at
the Priests fife Staff Retreat
October 1, 2008:
Homily given to
Pro-Life Leaders
September 19, 2008:
Holy Apostles
Seminary, CT
September 7, 2008:
Homily at St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Salina, KS
September 7, 2008:
Homily two at St. Mary,
Queen of the Universe, Salina, KS
September 7, 2008:
Homily one at St. Mary,
Queen of the Universe, Salina, KS
September 6, 2008:
Homily at Sacred
Heart Cathedral, Salina, KS
September 6, 2008:
Homily at St. Andrew's
Parish, Abilene, KS
August 8, 2008: Homily at the
Catholic Marketing Network Conference [Listen]
August 2, 2008: Homily at the
Midwest Catholic Conference [Listen]
August 1, 2008: EWTN Homily [Listen]
July 30, 2008: EWTN Homily [Listen]
July 28, 2008: EWTN Homily: You are
Beautiful [Listen]
July 27, 2008: Benediction live on
EWTN [Listen]
July 27, 2008: Homily at the Funeral
fborted Babies, Hanceville, AL [Listen]
July 14, 2008: EWTN Homily: [Listen]
July 12, 2008: Homily at the Baptism
of Two Babies Saved from Abortion, Allentown, PA [Listen]
July 5, 2008: Sunday Vigil Mass
Homily at the National Right to Life Convention [Listen]
July 5, 2008: Homily from the
National Right to Life Convention [Listen]
July 4, 2008: Homily from the
National Right to Life Convention [Listen]
July 3, 2008: Homily from the
National Right to Life Convention [Listen]
July 2, 2008: Homily from the
National Right to Life Convention [Listen]
June 20, 2008 on EWTN: [Listen]
May 6, 2008: Priests fife Staff
Retreat Mass [Listen]
May 2008: Legatus Mass [Listen]
May 2008: Ottawa Youth Mass [Listen]
April 18, 2008: Mass at Heartbeat
International Conference [Listen]
April 16, 2008: Mass fegatus
Pro-Life Pilgrimage in Washington, DC [Listen]
March 31, 2008: Third Anniversary of
the Death of Terri Schiavo [Listen]
March 27, 2008: Priests fife
Staff and Volunteers, Staten Island, NY [Listen]
March 23, 2008: Easter Morning at
Corpus Christi Church, Port Chester, NY [Listen]
March 8, 2008: Fifth Sunday of Lent
with Pro-Life Leaders [Listen]
March 6, 2008: St. Michael's School
Mass, Worthington, OH [Listen]
March 5, 2008: Bishop Hartley High
School, Columbus, OH [Listen]
March 2, 2008: St. Michael's,
Worthington, OH: Homily 1 [Listen];
Homily 2: [Listen];
Homily 3: [Listen]
March 3, 2008: St. Michael's,
Worthington, OH [Listen]
March 1, 2008: St. Joan of Arc,
Powell, OH [Listen]
March 1, 2008: St. Michael's Church,
Worthington, OH [Listen]
February 24, 2008: St. Joseph
Church, Kennewick, WA: Homily 1 [Listen];
Homily 2: [Listen];
Homily 3: [Listen]
February 17, 2008: Sacred Heart
Church, Covina, CA: Homily 2 [Listen];
Homily 3: [Listen];
Homily 4 [Listen];
Homily 5
February 16, 2008: Sacred Heart
Church, Covina, CA [Listen]
February 5, 2008: Diocese of Tulsa
Pro-Life Leaders [Listen]
February 3, 2008: San Marco Church,
Marco Island, FL [Listen]
February 2, 2008: Legatus Winter
Summit, Naples, FL [Listen]
January 5-6, 2008: Epiphany at St.
Bridget Church, Stamford, CT [Listen
to homily 1]; [Listen
to homily 2]; [Listen
to homily 3]
November 11, 2007: Notre Dame
Church, Bethlehem, PA: Homily One [Listen] ;
Homily Two [Listen] ;
Homily Three [Listen]
November 10, 2007: Notre Dame
Church, Bethlehem, PA [Listen]
November 10, 2007: Helpers of God's
Precious Infants Mass, Notre Dame Church, Bethlehem, PA [Listen]
October 28, 2007: St. Alphonsus
Church, St. Louis, MO [Listen]
October 22, 2007: Royalmont Academy,
Ohio [Listen]
October 14, 2007: St. Gregory
Church, Buffalo, NY [Listen]
October 6-7, 2007: Holy Name Church,
Indialantic, FL: Homily 1 [Listen] ;
Homily 2 [Listen]
Homily 3 [Listen] ;
Homily 4 [Listen]
October 6, 2007: Homily on the land
of a closed abortion mill in Melbourne, FL: [Listen]
October 6, 2007: Homily at a
Cathedral in Orlando, FL: [Listen]
September 30, 2007: St. James
Church, Odgen, UT Talk 1: [Listen] ; Talk
2: [Listen] ;
Talk 3: [Listen]
September 29, 2007: Mass for
Conservative Leaders [Listen]
September 14, 2007 at EWTN: [Listen]
September 13, 2007 at EWTN: [Listen]
September 11, 2007 at EWTN: [Listen]
September 10, 2007 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 26, 2007: Homily at Disciples
of the Lord Jesus Christ Church, Amarillo, TX: [Listen]
August 25, 2007: Pro-Life Mass in
the Diocese of Amarillo, TX: Let Us Work for Justice [Listen]
June 17, 2007: Homily at St. Matthew
the Apostle, Kansas City, MO [Listen
to homily 2]
June 17, 2007: Homily at St. Matthew
the Apostle, Kansas City, MO [Listen
to homily 1]
June 10, 2007: Feast of Corpus
Christi, Visitation Church, Los Angeles, CA [Listen
to homily 3]
June 10, 2007: Feast of Corpus
Christi, Visitation Church, Los Angeles, CA [Listen
to homily 2]
June 10, 2007: Feast of Corpus
Christi, Visitation Church, Los Angeles, CA [Listen
to homily 1]
May 20, 2007: Ascension Homily [Listen]
May 12, 2007: Homily for the 6th
Sunday of Easter [Listen]
April 8, 2007: Easter Sunday, Corpus
Christi Church, Port Chester, NY [Listen]
April 6, 2007: The Seven Last
Words from the Cross, Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT. [First
Word: Listen]; [Second Word:
Listen]; [Third Word:
Listen]; [Fourth Word:
Listen]; [Fifth Word:
Listen]; [Sixth Word;
Listen]; [Seventh Word:
April 6, 2007:
Good Friday at Holy
Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT
April 4, 2007: Homily at Baby Abel's
funeral, Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT [Listen]
March 29, 2007: Fr. Frank's Homily
for the Anniversary of the Death of Terri Schiavo [Listen]
March 28, 2007 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
March 25, 2007: Homily on the
Raising of Lazarus and the Culture of Life (5th Sunday of Lent) [Listen]
March 18, 2007: Homily for the
fourth Sunday of Lent, Sacred Heart Church, Ventura, Ca [Listen]
March 10, 2007: The Prodigal Son,
St. Michael Church, Worthington, OH [Listen]
March 1, 2007: Lent, Repentance,
Baptism and Pro-Life, Christ the King Church, Ann Arbor, MI [Listen]
St. Luke's, Milwaukee, WI - January
2007 [Listen]
St. Joseph Catholic Church in
Killeen, Texas - January 27, 2007 [Listen]
January 18, 2007 at EWTN:
Christian Unity, Civil Rights and Abortion - [Listen]
Lumen Christi Church, Mequon, WI -
January 14, 2007 - Homily 1 [Listen] and Homily
2 [Listen]
St. Rita, Milwaukee, WI - January
13, 2007 [Listen]
January 12, 2007 at EWTN: Let Us
Enter Into His Rest - [Listen]
January 11, 2007 at EWTN: The
Sacred Obligation to Trust - [Listen]
January 10, 2007 at EWTN: -
The Destruction of Embryos and the Triumph of Life - [Listen]
January 9, 2007 at EWTN: Jesus'
Authority Over the Devil - [Listen]
January 8, 2007 at EWTN: Jesus'
Baptism and Ours - [Listen]
At the Priests fife staff Advent
Mass (December 15, 2006) [Listen]
November 3, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
On the Eve of the Fifth Anniversary
of the 9-11, St. Roch’s Church, Staten Island, NY: [Listen] (September 10,
Homily on the political
responsibility of the People of God [Listen to MP3]
September 15, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen]
September 14, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen]
July 16, 2006 at EWTN: Abortion, Mother Teresa and Graphic Images - [Listen]
July 15, 2006 at EWTN: To Know Thee in Order to Love Thee - [Listen]
July 14, 2006 at EWTN: Persecution from Church, Family and State - [Listen]
July 13, 2006 at EWTN: Living Wills - [Listen]
July 12, 2006 at EWTN: The Fruit of Piety - [Listen]
July 11, 2006 at EWTN: - Discernment and the Evangelical Counsels - [Listen]
July 10, 2006 at EWTN: An Invitation to Those Far Away - [Listen]
July 9, 2006 at EWTN: Prophets, Persecution and Tax Law - [Listen]
June 18, 2006 - Feast of Corpus Christi - St. Maximilian Kolbe Church, Thousand
Oaks, CA [Listen]
June 12, 2006 - Mary, Queen of
Creation - Blue Army Shrine, Washington, NJ - [Listen]
June 11, 2006 - Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul, Providence, RI [Listen]
June 11, 2006 - Regnum Christi Community, Providence, RI [Listen]
Pentecost Mass for Fr. Walter Quinn's 45th Anniversary as a Priest - St. Roch's
Church, Staten Island, NY - June 4, 2006 [Listen]
Homily given to Pregnancy Center Directors at the Heartbeat International
Conference - May 20, 2006. [Listen]
May 21, 2006: All Souls Church, Sanford, FL [Listen]
May 15, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 14, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 13, 2006 at EWTN: [Listen]
April 23, 2006 - at St. Cecilia's Church, Wisconsin Dells, WI [Listen]
April 16, 2006: Easter Sunday at St. Laurence Cathedral,
Amarillo, TX [Listen]
April 15, 2006: Easter Vigil at St. Laurence Cathedral,
Amarillo, TX [Listen]
April 15, 2006: Holy Saturday Reflections given to the
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, Amarillo, TX [Listen]
April 14, 2006:
Good Friday Passion Liturgy at St.
Laurence Cathedral, Amarillo, TX
April 14, 2006: The Seven Last Words at The Cross
in Groom, Texas: [First Word:
Listen] [Second Word:
[Third Word: Listen] [Fourth Word:
[Fifth Word: Listen] [Sixth Word:
[Seventh Word: Listen]
April 13, 2006:
Holy Thursday Reflections given to
Seminarians, Amarillo, TX
March 26, 2006 at EWTN: We are All Blind [Listen]
March 25, 2006: Feast of the Annunciation, Amarillo, TX [Listen]
March 18, 2006: St. Louise Parish, Covina, CA [Listen]
March 9, 2006 at EWTN: Day of Invitation to Abortion Providers [Listen]
January 27, 2006 - Before the Nebraska March for Life [Listen]
January 22, 2006 - St. Peter's Church, Capitol Hill [Listen]
December 14, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 16, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 15, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 14, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 13, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 12, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
September 11, 2005 at EWTN [Listen]
May 25, 2005 at EWTN [Listen] -- [Read
the Transcript]
February 24, 2005 at EWTN - Terri Schiavo [Listen]
October 29, 2004 at EWTN - Elections [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 28, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 27, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 26, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 25, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 24, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 23, 2004) [Listen]
Homily (EWTN August 22, 2004) [Listen]
May 21, 2004 at EWTN -
Do Not Squelch the Spirit
Part 1] [Watch
Part 2]
March 26, 2004 at EWTN [Listen]
March 25, 2004 at EWTN [Listen]
February 16, 2004 at EWTN: [Listen]
November 12, 2003 at EWTN: Roe
vs. Wade - A New Form of Government [Read
Transcript] or [Listen to MP3]
October 13, 2003: International Week of Prayer and Fasting, Washington DC:
Eucharistic Citizenship: [Listen to
August 2, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
August 1, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
July 30, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
July 29, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
July 28, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
July 27, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
May 28, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen
to MP3]
March 24, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen
to MP3]
January 15, 2003 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
December 20, 2002 at EWTN: [Listen to MP3]
November 4, 2002 at EWTN: Election
related homily - [Listen to MP3]
October 25, 2002 at EWTN: Election
related homily: [Listen
to MP3]
September 26, 2002 at EWTN:
Political Loyalties:
[English Transcript]
[Spanish Transcript] [Listen to
August 16, 2002 at EWTN: [Listen]
July 13, 2002 at EWTN: The Holiness of God - [Listen to MP3]
July 12, 2002 at EWTN: Repentance and Forgiveness - [Listen to MP3]
July 11, 2002 at EWTN: The Liturgy: The Center and Summit of the Church's
Life - [Listen
to MP3]
July 10, 2002 at EWTN: The Consistent Ethic of Life: "Social Justice" and
"Right to Life" Cannot be Separated - [Listen to MP3]
July 9, 2002 at EWTN: Genetic Manipulation and the Dignity of Human Life: We
Must Not Remain Silent! - [Listen to MP3]
July 8, 2002 at EWTN: God is Our Husband, We are His Bride - [Listen to MP3]
July 7, 2002 at EWTN: Jesus: The Fullness of God's Revelation - [Listen to MP3]
June 19, 2002 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 10, 2002 at EWTN: [Listen]
April 8, 2002 at EWTN:
The Annunciation - [Listen to
February 23, 2002 at EWTN:
Conscientious Objection - [Listen to MP3]
February 22, 2002 at EWTN:
Bloodguilt - [Listen to
January 4, 2002 at EWTN: [Listen]
December 5, 2001 at EWTN: Fr. Peter West homily at EWTN - [Listen
in MP3 format]
November 27, 2001 at EWTN: [Listen]
September 27, 2001 at EWTN: A Call to leave
your profession and dedicate yourself to the Pro-Life Movement!
Click here to read a text excerpt -
to MP3]
July 14, 2001 at EWTN: Lessons from social reform: We do not have to be
popular to be successful. - [Listen to MP3]
July 13, 2001 at EWTN:
Promises of Christ – Persecution included! - [Listen to Part 1 MP3]
or [Listen to Part 2 MP3]
July 11, 2001 at EWTN: Religious life and the sacrament of marriage - [Listen to MP3]
July 10, 2001 at EWTN: Religious vocations and how prayer leads to action
- [Listen
to MP3]
July 9, 2001 at EWTN: [Listen]
November 3, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 11, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 10, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 9, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 8, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 5, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 4, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 3, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
May 2, 2000 at EWTN: [Listen]
November 2, 1998 at EWTN: [Listen]
November 30, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
November 29, 1997at EWTN: [Listen]
August 1997 at EWTN: [Listen
to Homily 1] ; [Listen
to Homily 2] ; [Listen
to Homily 3]
August 21, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
August 20, 1997at EWTN: [Listen]
February 24, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 29, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 28, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 1, 1997 at EWTN: [Listen]
July 31, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
July 30, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
July 29, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
June 25, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
March 29, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
March 28, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
March 27, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
March 26, 1996 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 16, 1995 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 15, 1995 at EWTN: [Listen]
January 14, 1995 at EWTN: Martin Luther King,
Jr.: [Listen]
January 13, 1995 at EWTN: Wedding at Cana:
January 12, 1995 at EWTN: Confession: [Listen]
January 11, 1995 at EWTN: The Lure of Sin:
January 10, 1995 at EWTN: The Devil: [Listen]
March 6, 1994 at EWTN: [Listen]
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