| | | Episode Highlights | In developing the idea for The Catholic View For Women we have established the following goals for our show: - To reach Catholic women in the pews who are cafeteria Catholics, who have never been exposed to the fullness of the faith because of poor Catechesis.
- To reach fallen away Catholic women like us and show them the beauty of the faith/Church teaching and how Jesus is the greatest liberator of women and the greatest source of our dignity.
- To reach un-churched who have completely fallen away from the faith.
- To encourage today’s faithful Catholic women that they can be in the world and not of the world.
- To meet women where they are at in their walk with the Lord and the Church.
- To help parents in their efforts to raise their daughters as faith-filled Catholic women.
- To offer a positive, relevant, and fun alternative to today’s toxic TV shows targeting women.
| | | | The Kitchen Madonna: Patroness of The Catholic View for Women Mary was not only Jesus' Mother, but also a housewife. Her utensils are earthly and heavenly symbols. The key represents the safety in the house and also the way into heaven. The kettle symbolizes nourishment for body and soul. The broom represents cleanliness in the home and in thoughts and deeds. Available from EWTN Religious Catalogue | | Magnificat is a lavishly printed, easy-to-read pocket-sized worship aid, of more than 400 pages. Magnificat can be used to follow the daily Mass and can also be read at home for personal or family prayer. Available at Magnificat | | Consider praying the Divine Office on a daily basis. The Divine Office provides psalms and prayers to be prayed at different times of the day. See www.divineoffice.org. | | Discussion Questions | - Have you ever thought about your own faith journey?
- Take time to write down your story and reflect on how God has been present in your life.
- Did you ever stray from the Church? What led to that and why?
- If you’ve been a faithful Catholic all your life, what do you think kept you strong?
- Have you ever shared your faith journey with family members and friends?
- How do you think you could use your testimony to help others to answer the Baptismal call to evangelize?
| | Janet's Homework Assignment | In the show we gave the following quote from John Paul ll’s Letter to Women: "This word of thanks to the Lord for his mysterious plan regarding the vocation and mission of women in the world is at the same time a concrete and direct word of thanks to women, to every woman, for all that they represent in the life of humanity. Thank you, women who are mothers! You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail. This experience makes you become God's own smile upon the newborn child, the one who guides your child's first steps, who helps it to grow, and who is the anchor as the child makes its way along the journey of life. Thank you, women who are wives! You irrevocably join your future to that of your husbands, in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of love and life. Thank you, women who are daughters and women who are sisters! Into the heart of the family, and then of all society, you bring the richness of your sensitivity, your intuitiveness, your generosity and fidelity. Thank you, women who work! You are present and active in every area of life--social, economic, cultural, artistic and political. In this way you make an indispensable contribution to the growth of a culture which unites reason and feeling, to a model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery," to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity. Thank you, consecrated women! Following the example of the greatest of women, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, you open yourselves with obedience and fidelity to the gift of God's love. You help the Church and all mankind to experience a "spousal" relationship to God, one which magnificently expresses the fellowship which God wishes to establish with his creatures. Thank you, every woman, for the simple fact of being a woman! Through the insight which is so much a part of your womanhood you enrich the world's understanding and help to make human relations more honest and authentic." Now read the complete Letter to Women from John Paul II by clicking here. |