The Catholic View for Women

Episode 4: Extreme Makeover: Seeing Yourself through the Eyes of Christ

Episode Highlights


1) How women are portrayed in the media

2) Cover-Girl culture, an inside look at the world of modeling and advertising from former model Nicole Clarke

3) An overview of some of the research of the impact of media on women & teens.

4) Teresa’s testimony about her own problems with body image and an eating disorder.

5) Resources on how to help you have your own extreme media makeover.

Extreme Makeover Questions

How is the culture/media impacting your relationship with God?
How is the culture/media impacting your releationship with your family?
Are you willing to make changes in your media habits and make a diiference in the media climate?


The Kitchen Madonna

The Kitchen Madonna:
Patroness of The Catholic View for Women

Mary was not only Jesus' Mother, but also a housewife. Her utensils are earthly and heavenly symbols. The key represents the safety in the house and also the way into heaven. The kettle symbolizes nourishment for body and soul. The broom represents cleanliness in the home and in thoughts and deeds. 
Available from EWTN Religious Catalogue
The Magnificat
Magnificat is a lavishly printed, easy-to-read pocket-sized worship aid, of more than 400 pages.

Magnificat can be used to follow the daily Mass and can also be read at home for personal or family prayer.
Available at Magnificat
Extreme Makeover
Extreme Makeover
by Teresa Tomeo Coming This Fall! Pre-order now!

Teresa Tomeo pulls together the latest research on social behavior and trends to demonstrate that women are harming themselves and their chances for true happiness by adopting the thoroughly modern, sexually liberated lifestyle portrayed in magazines and movies. Packed with not only persuasive statistics but also powerful personal testimonies, Extreme Makeover shows that it is not the slogans of the sexual revolution and the women’s liberation movement that free and dignify women, but the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church.
Consider praying the Divine Office on a daily basis. 
The Divine Office provides psalms and prayers to be prayed at different times of the day. 

Discussion Questions
  • Have you experienced your own "extreme spiritual makeover"?
  • Are you in need of an "extreme media makeover"?
  • How much media and what type of media are you consuming on a daily basis?
  • Are you regularly taking in messages that are contrary to Scripture and Church teaching?
  • How do you think you may have been influenced by messages from the culture especially the messages that concentrates more on the outside than the inside?
  • Do you really see yourself as a loved daughter of God or are you struggling with self esteem issues?
  • Do you know other women in your family or circle of friends who have been impacted negativlely by cultural pressures to look or act a certain way?
  • Do you believe women are objectified in the media?
  • How do you see the mass media impacting younger women especially tweens and teens?
Janet's Homework Assignment
Janet's Homework
Purchase Teresa's books NOISE and Truth for Teens by visiting the EWTN Catalogue at

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