On this episode we take a look at a very toxic study
that made headlines around the globe. The study was done by
feminists and claims that men who are polite and courteous are
mostly likely male chauvinists in disguise. The reporter pits
men against women and attacks male female complementarity. We
have Dr. Echeverria weigh in. He is a theologian on staff at
Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and a cultural
commentator. |
Guests: |
Eduardo Echeverria, Ph.D., S.T.L., Professor of
Philosophy & Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit,
Janet's Homework Assignment: |
Read St.
John Paul II’s Papal
Letter to Women and
On the Dignity and Vocation of Women in which he
describes true liberation for women.
Read Pope Saint John Paul II's
Theology of the Body address of August 11, 1982 in which
he describes beautifully the way God intended man and woman to
relate to one another.
Visit our
homepage and sign up for the Catholic View for Women
monthly e-letter
Discussion Questions: |
How has the culture impacted your idea of feminism?
Are you familiar with the term new feminism?
What does a true feminist or new feminist look like through
the eyes of Christ and the Church?
God's Bucket List: Heaven's Surefire Way to Happiness
in this Life and Beyond
by Teresa Tomeo
Examines what God wants for each of us: mercy,
fruitfulness, fellowship, and peace, just to name a
few, and explains what the Christian faith teaches
about these gifts and how we can begin to achieve and
cross out, one by one, the items on that heavenly
list. God's Bucket List is published by Random
House/Image Books. |
Abortion: Ending the Abortion Industry's Exploitation
of Women
by Janet Morana
Janet Morana exposes the myriad ways abortion exploits
women, and calls for a National recall of this deadly
procedure. Published by Saint Benedict Press.
Sign the petition to recall abortion. |
The Kitchen Madonna:
Patroness of The
Catholic View for Women
Mary was not only Jesus' Mother, but also a housewife.
Her utensils are earthly and heavenly symbols. The key
represents the safety in the house and also the way
into heaven. The kettle symbolizes nourishment for
body and soul. The broom represents cleanliness in the
home and in thoughts and deeds.
Available from EWTN Religious Catalogue
Available in Resin and Bronze

Magnificat is a lavishly printed, easy-to-read
pocket-sized worship aid, of more than 400 pages.
Magnificat can be used to follow the daily Mass and
can also be read at home for personal or family
Available at Magnificat
Consider praying the
Divine Office on a daily basis.
The Divine Office provides psalms and prayers to be
prayed at different times of the day.