Priests for Life in the News

Our Priests for Life office is filled with notebooks of newspaper clippings. We have decided to make them available to you on this website, so you can see some of the impact Priests for Life is having around the nation.

Please inform us when you see Priests for Life material in your local papers! Thanks!!
Use the links below to see news clippings from a particular year.
Veto-Override Bid Fails (National Catholic Register - North Haven, CT - 9/27/1998)

Priests for Life Expands Its Post-Abortion Ministry (The Wanderer - St. Paul, MN - 9/3/1998)

Fr. Frank Joins Catholic Physicians to Celebrate Humanae Vitae (The Catholic Times - Columbus, OH - 8/2/1998)

Group Focused on 'Most Fundamental' Moral Issue (National Catholic Register - North Haven, CT - 7/19/1998)

Fr. Peter West Joins Prolife Priest Group (Arlington Catholic Herald - Arlington, VA - 5/7/1998)

Fr. Peter West Joins Full-Time Staff of Priests for Life (Catholic New York - New York, NY - 4/30/1998)

Sexual Misconduct and what constitutes "Adultery" (Catholic News Service - Washington, DC - 1/30/1998)

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PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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