STATEN ISLAND, NY – Priests for Life, its National Director and the many ministries under its pro-life umbrella were saluted in the United States House of Representatives on Aug. 1.
Six members of Congress spent 35 minutes speaking from the floor of Congress about the work of Priests for Life. As it normally does, C-Span broadcast the proceedings live.
Minnesota Congresswomen Michele Bachmann led the accolades, noting that Priests for Life is concluding the celebration of its 20th anniversary.
New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith, leader of the congressional pro-life caucus, said that for two decades he has been "moved, inspired and motivated to defend the weakest and most vulnerable among us by the remarkable life and pro-life witness of Father Frank Pavone," whom, Mr. Smith noted, not only works to save unborn babies, but reaches out to women suffering after an abortion and even to abortionists themselves.
"This good priest sees not just the abortionist and their enablers committing violence against women and babies, but what might be if we genuinely care about their souls."
Mr. Smith also noted the work of Janet Morana, Priests for Life’s executive director, and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, which she co-founded to give women and men who have lost children to abortion a platform to tell the truth about their pain and healing.
Also speaking on the House floor during the session were Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska; Rep. Jean Schmidt of Ohio; Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, and Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan. Several others had indicated a desire to speak but there was not enough time in the 35 minutes allotted.
Mrs. Bachmann concluded the session with an explanation of the ministry:
"Priests for Life isn’t just for priests and it isn’t just for Catholics. The work of Priests for Life has enabled Americans of every walk of life, every ethnicity, every faith background, every political affiliation to awaken their consciences about the life issue, to speak up for the unborn… It’s very difficult to find any national initiative to the pro-life movement that either Father Frank Pavone or Priests for Life are somehow not deeply involved in."
Mrs. Bachmann, noting her own commitment to pro-life work, said she is "extremely proud" to be affiliated with Priests for Life and Father Pavone.
'I wish to thank Priests for Life for everything they continue to do protect and defend the sanctity of every human life.'
For the complete transcript in the Congressional Record, click here.
U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann speaks before Congress about Priests for Life
U.S. Representative Chris Smith speaks before Congress about Priests for Life