A Moving Funeral

Un funeral conmovedor

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director of Priests for Life
July 14, 2008

 Hundreds of people gathered around me, as the little children’s casket was placed next to the open grave into which it would shortly be lowered.

I prayed the words of the Church’s liturgy, “Tender Shepherd of the flock, Rachael, Joshua, Victoria, Adam, Mary, Jacob, and Grace now lie cradled in your love…. Comfort us with the hope that these children live with you and your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.”

The crowd responded with a vigorous “Amen!”

Four people who had helped to rescue the bodies of these children from the garbage dumpster outside the abortion clinic where they had been killed then came forward. They took the casket and lowered it into the grave. Each of us then took a handful of dirt and put it into the grave.

Children then released a beautiful white dove, who flew into the blue, sunny sky to the applause of all who were gathered.

It was a powerful morning in Detroit on Friday, June 27, at the Assumption Grotto. Bishop John Quinn celebrated a beautiful funeral Mass for these aborted children (as well as three additional children who had died from miscarriage). They all fit in the one small white casket, which was in the center aisle of the Church.

In his homily, the bishop praised the tireless work of pro-life activists. We then all processed to the cemetery next to the Church, where I conducted the graveside service.

I preached about the lesson from Deuteronomy 21, where we learn that there is no such thing as the “private” shedding of innocent blood. Whenever someone is murdered, that is everyone’s concern, and everyone must answer for it. Therefore God commanded that when a body was found slain out in the country, there should be a public ceremony, and the people should ask forgiveness, even if they did not do the killing.

So we had a public funeral, and we did ask forgiveness, for not having done more to stop the abortions of these children.

Funerals like this should be held, they should be public, they should be massive. After all, the killing of these children takes place in publicly advertised abortuaries, and is sometimes paid for by public funds. We have no reason to fear publicity and media for carrying out the corporal work of mercy of burying the dead, and restoring in some way the dignity of which these children were robbed when abortion dismembered them.

On July 27, I will be entrusted with two more aborted children, and that same day will conduct another burial at 3pm in Hanceville, Alabama at Mother Angelica’s Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited to come.

On Saturday July 12, I will have a more joyful event, to which I also invite you. At 8am at Notre Dame Church in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, I will baptize two babies who were saved from abortion outside a local killing center!

People of Life, let us together protect the living and honor the dead!

Click here for photos of this funeral.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org