Conquer Evil with Weapons of Love

Conquistar el mal con las armas del amor

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director of Priests for Life
December 01, 2008

I received the following message on my blog the day after the elections:

Urgent--to Fr. Frank. Says: November 5th, 2008 at 9:49 pm


I am predicting that there will be more anti-abortion terror because of this election. I AM ALSO PREDICTING THAT THIS TIME IT WILL BE ANSWERED IN KIND BY PRO-CHOICE COUNTERTERRORISTS, who will mount similar terrorist attacks against well-known right-to-lifers. FATHER FRANK will be a natural target for pro-choice counterterrorists.

I therefore advise you, Fr Frank, if you read that there has been another abortion-clinic shooting or bombing, get out of town immediately. Take a vacation abroad. Go visit the Vatican. If there is another act of anti-abortion terror, your life will not be safe in the USA.

Good luck.

Some other pro-life leaders received a similar message, and it has been reported to law enforcement.

Pro-abortion extremists call the pro-life movement “violent.” Yet it’s the most peaceful movement of social reform in our nation’s history. In fact, the most confrontational aspect of our movement, Operation Rescue, brought about over 70,000 arrests from 1987 to 1994, yet not a single one of them was for violent activity.

We also know that any time a movement is as big as ours, there will be a handful of people – disconnected from the movement – who embrace violence as a tactic. The same was true of the civil rights movement and the abolitionist movement.

But of no movement is it more true than the pro-abortion movement. It’s just that the public doesn’t know of their fanatical violence. It starts in the womb, of course – the very action they promote as a “right” is in fact violence. “Typically, the skull is brought out in fragments rather than as a unified piece,” abortionist Martin Haskell testified in court in 1999 regarding the legal “D and E” abortion procedure (Wisconsin, Case No. 98-C-0305-S).

And their violence extends beyond the womb. ...our movement has been able to document 8519 acts of violence (and counting) by the other side. Pro-abortion fanatics have attacked pro-life demonstrators, have kidnapped women to force them to abort, have murdered born babies, and much more.

So for the visitor to my blog to send that message just reinforces the truth about the “abortion-rights” fanatics. Violence is their way of life.

But why blame Obama? Of course, he is the most pro-abortion person elected to the Presidency. Perhaps they’re thinking back to President Clinton, whose attempts to stop peaceful intervention coincided with the killing of some abortionists. Or perhaps they’re thinking of President Kennedy’s assertion, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

But we already have a peaceful revolution – and not only is it possible, it’s growing! As long as I have anything to say about it, there won’t be any “anti-abortion terror.” Instead, there will be peaceful vigil, 24-hours a day, around abortion centers. That both stops abortions and stops the killing of abortionists.

Read Priests' for Life statements on non-violence

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