Elections Change Courts: Below you will see a comparison of how eight years of a presidency (Bush to Obama) affect the makeup of the federal courts. Because the federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, a President and a Senate of the same party can make significant changes in the courts in one direction or another. After the damage that Obama did to the courts, as shown below, President Trump confirmed over 200 federal judges who are doing great work upholding the Constitution. Biden, of course, is damaging the courts again. So the next election is needed to bring us more constitutional judges for decades to come.

When President George W. Bush left office after eight years in office, this map shows that most of the federal circuit courts had a majority of Republican-appointed judges. 

When President Obama left office, on the other hand, the majority had shifted, as this map shows. 

Here is the same comparison using bar ratios:  

Court Ratio 2009    . 

Court Ratio 2016     

Elections Affect Legislation : This document shows that progress is made in one direction or another with legislation related to abortion when both houses of Congress and the Presidency are in the control of the same party.

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