Busy end of year for Priests for Life as we submitted written statements prepared by Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) for both the upcoming 62nd Session of the Commission on Social Development (5 - 24 February 2024) and the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (11 - 22 March 2024). We will soon also be submitting a third statement for the 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development (29 April - 03 May 2024). For updates on the UN please consult our Our Work at the UN and PNCI. We will provide more information as these and other important UN related events unfold.
We were also pleased to take part in the UN’s 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an event sponsored by the Political Network for Values called Affirming Universal Human Rights – Uniting Cultures for Life, Family and Fundamental Freedoms (16 – 17 November 2023). The event was intended to “rescue the original meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)” and was supported by more than 200 political and civic leaders from 40 countries participating in the V Transatlantic Summit.
We all endorsed what is being called the New York Commitment, to create a global alliance in favor of the human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined and universally recognized in the UDHR. We will work to establish environments favorable to the formation and stability of the family; to protect children, before and after birth; and to respect the freedom of parents and legal guardians to provide the religious and moral education of their children in accordance with their own convictions. We also pledged to promote respect for the various religious and ethical values, cultural backgrounds and philosophical convictions of the peoples of the world, as well as the sovereignty of States in matters within their domestic jurisdiction.
Priests for Life was involved in the very first V Transatlantic Summit held at UN Headquarters back in 2014 and has been supportive ever since.