Commentaries by Fr. Denis G. Wilde, O.S.A., Ph.D., Associate Chaplain

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Fr. Denis' Bio

Homilies by Fr. Denis Wilde, O.S.A

Spiritual geneology
Spiritual geneology
Effects of the Holy Eucharist
Effects of the Holy Eucharist “The Flesh I will give is real Flesh for the life of the world.”
Unite in Love!
Unite in Love! 5th Sunday Easter homily on the Vine and Branches.
Prayer and Healing
Prayer and Healing
Faith Not Fear
Faith Not Fear
Feast of St. Mark
Feast of St. Mark
Emmaus Homily
Emmaus Homily
Mustard Seeds and Faith Fruitfilled
Mustard Seeds and Faith Fruitfilled “Mustard seeds” become miracles with trust that God can and will act on our behalf - always!
Homily for 25th Sunday C -  God and Mammon II
Homily for 25th Sunday C - God and Mammon II St Rose of Lima Church Eddystone PA
Homily for 26 Sunday C - The Rich Man and The Poorest Today - The Unborn
Homily for 26 Sunday C - The Rich Man and The Poorest Today - The Unborn St Rose of Lima Church Eddystone PA
Homily for 25th Sunday C -  God and Mammon
Homily for 25th Sunday C - God and Mammon St Rose of Lima Church Eddystone PA
Homily and response to man’s written cry for help / We Are Most Useful for God When “Useless” - The Cross in Our Lives.
Homily and response to man’s written cry for help / We Are Most Useful for God When “Useless” - The Cross in Our Lives. Commemoration of St Clare of Montefalco.  August 17, 2022 - Rosemont PA / Holy Child Sisters Convent. 
August 16, 2022 Homily
August 16, 2022 Homily Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish West Chester Pennsylvania
Earth’s Trash, Heaven’s Treasure, Heaven’s Sublime Treasure, Our Hope
Earth’s Trash, Heaven’s Treasure, Heaven’s Sublime Treasure, Our Hope St Maximilian Kolbe Parish West Chester, PA
Go to Joseph
Go to Joseph
A New Blessedness
A New Blessedness
Epiphany Homily
Epiphany Homily
Christmas Homily
Christmas Homily
Anticipating the Eternal Gift of Christmas
Anticipating the Eternal Gift of Christmas Homily for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C - St. Rose of Lima Church, Eddystone PA
Consensus or Commitment? The Vision to See.
Consensus or Commitment? The Vision to See. Homily given at St Rose of Lima Church Eddystone PA
Rich Man - Poor Man Going Beyond the Safe and Comfortable
Rich Man - Poor Man Going Beyond the Safe and Comfortable Homily at St. Rose of Lima, Eddystone, PA: 10/10/21
God’s Bond with Unending Love for Us Embraces Matrimony and Precious Unborn
God’s Bond with Unending Love for Us Embraces Matrimony and Precious Unborn Homily given at Holy Cross Church, Orlando, FL
Homily for Sunday, September 26, 2021
Homily for Sunday, September 26, 2021 Homily given to retired religious sisters.
Homily on feast of Saint Bartholomew
Homily on feast of Saint Bartholomew Holy Martyrs Church - Oreland PA 8-24-21
Homily for 21st Sunday, Year B
Homily for 21st Sunday, Year B St Rose of Lima Church /Essington PA / 8-22-21
Homily on the Mustard Seed
Homily on the Mustard Seed St Thomas Monastery, Villanova, community Mass
Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2021
Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2021 A Trinity of Ideas - given at Holy Cross Church, Springfield, PA
Homily for Divine Mercy Sunday 2021
Homily for Divine Mercy Sunday 2021 St Joseph Church Collingdale PA
Homily at a memorial for aborted babies
Homily at a memorial for aborted babies St. Justin Martyr, Toms River, NJ
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily for Corpus Christi (6/23/19)
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily for Corpus Christi (6/23/19) Sacred Heart Church, Philadelphia, Sunday, June 23, 2019
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily: Cleaning the Inside of the Cup
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily: Cleaning the Inside of the Cup Homily given at St Nicholas of Tolentine Church Philadelphia PA 6 pm September 2, 2018 by Fr Denis Wilde, OSA
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily: Peter’s encouragement in strained times in the church
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily: Peter’s encouragement in strained times in the church “Where are we to go? You have the words if eternal life.” Delivered at St Nicholas of Tolentine Church, Philadelphia PA. 8/26/2018.
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A Gospel on cured Blind man and Pharisees in the Abortion Debate - St Joseph Church on the Brandywine, Wilmington, Delaware, March 26,2017 offered by Fr Denis Wilde, OSA.
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily St. Joseph, Brandywine, DE (3/26/17)
Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA Homily St. Joseph, Brandywine, DE (3/26/17) Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA, Associate Director, Priests for Life, homily at Joe Biden's parish in Delaware. Former Vice President Biden was in attendance at the Mass.
EWTN Mass April 12, 2013
EWTN Mass April 12, 2013 Read a transcript of this homily.
EWTN Mass April 10, 2013
EWTN Mass April 10, 2013 Read a transcript of this homily.

Earth's Trash; Heaven's Treasure (Catholic Online, August 15, 2022)

Op-Ed: Best or Worst, Hopes or Fears—The Baby Has the Key

Op-Ed: Devotion to the Sacred Heart is pivotal to our embrace of God’s Mercy

Op-Ed: The blessings of the time in between (Fr. Denis Wilde, O.S.A., LifeSiteNews, May 19, 2021)

All of Us Should Go to St. Joseph (Fr. Denis Wilde, O.S.A., Catholic Exchange, March 19, 2021)

Fr. Denis Wilde Sings the Litany of St. Joseph

Holy Saturday 2020 Reflections

2019 Christmas and New Year Message

2018 Lenten Mission in Bally, PA: Our Restless Hearts Need God’s GPS From Here to Eternity - [Description of all Four Talks] - [Listen to the Talks]

January 22, 2017: Homily on January 22, 2017 at Sacred Heart Parish, Richmond, TX [Video]

Our Restless Hearts Need God’s GPS for Eternity: 2017 Parish Mission with Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Peachtree City, GA

Where is that GPS when I need it? : Our destiny is mapped with the compass of Conscience and Creed.

That GPS is handed to us! : Our Church lavishes Sacraments to set our eternal bearings.

People of Life leave no one by the wayside : Our lives matter – born and unborn – welcomed and revered on the Way.

Our Life, Our Sweetness and Our Hope : Our Lady points us to the Way on our journey.

Epiphany homily given at the start of the mission.

September 9, 2014: EWTN Televised Mass [Audio] [Video]

April 10, 2014: EWTN Televised Mass: I and the Father are One [Audio] [Transcript]

April 9, 2014: EWTN Televised Mass: Loyalty in Trails of Trials [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

April 8, 2014: EWTN Televise Mass: If I be Lifted Up: From the Poison to the Passion [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

March 13, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: Courage in the Time of Crisis is contagious [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

March 12, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: The Nineveh effect-contrition, confession, conversion [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

March 11, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: Harvesting the Word yields mercy and forgiveness [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

February 20, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: Discrimination breeds moral injustice-race, religion and life [Audio] [Video] [Text]

February 19, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: I was blind but now I see [Audio] [Video] [Text]

February 18, 2014: EWTN televised Mass: Doing it My Way: The temptation to make God in our image and likeness [Audio] [Video] [Text]

September 13, 2013: EWTN televised Mass [Audio] [Video] [ Spanish Audio ]

September 12, 2013: EWTN televised Mass [Audio] [Video] [ Spanish Audio ]

September 10, 2013: EWTN televised Mass [Audio] [Video] [ Spanish Audio ]

April 12, 2013: EWTN televised Mass [Audio] [Transcript]

April 10, 2013: EWTN televised Mass [Audio] [Transcript]

Fr. Wilde on Holy Family Radio - October 1, 2012

Homily for Terri's Day Mass - March 30, 2012 (PDF)

International Life services - Advanced Training Institute 2011: [ Track 1 ] - [ Track 2 ] - [ Track 3 ] - [ Track 4] - [ Track 5 ] - [ Track 6 ] - [ Track 7 ]
[ Track 8 ] - [ Track 9 ] - [ Track 10 ] - [ Track 11 ] - [ Track 12 ]

December 19, 2011: EWTN televised Mass [English] [Spanish]

December 18, 2011: EWTN televised Mass [English] [Spanish]

October 5, 2011: EWTN televised Mass

Homily for the Feast of the Annunciation - March 25, 2011

Civic Response To The Gospel of Life Homily - October 9, 2004

Video: Talk from Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast and Conference for the Diocese of Joliet, IL [ part 1 ]  [ part 2 ] - August 20, 2011

Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA on Holy Spirit Radio - March 14, 2008

Talk at Christ the King Church, Mesa, AZ - January 6, 2008

Homilies at Christ the King Church, Mesa, AZ - January 6, 2008 [ homily 1 ] [ homily 2 ]

Talk to Teens at St. Peter Church, Antioch, IL - November 2007

Homily from the EWTN Live Televised Mass: Holy Names of Mary [Transcript] - September 12, 2007

St. Joseph Communications Sunday Conference with Fr. Wilde

Show the Truth - Catholic Life with Dina Marie Hale - October 21 and 23, 2005

Living Bread Radio Interview - July 9, 2005

Come Back to Me - Amarillo, TX - March 13 2005

Understanding, Engaging and Fighting the Abortion War in America - May 17, 2003

Fr. Wilde on WEEU Radio - November 22, 2002

Apologetics in the Pro-life Movement - May 21, 2001

Sharing the Heart of the Christina Faith - Immaculate Heart Radio Voices for Life

Talk at California Marian Conference

Putting it on the Line - [ Part 1 ] and [ Part 2 ] - October 2001

May 2, 2001: EWTN televised Mass [Audio]

Fr. Wilde at the Holy Family Fest: Holiness - August 4, 1999

Fr. Wilde on In His Sign Network: Euthanasia - May 24, 1999

Putting it on the Line: The Effects of Abortion in our Lives - May 10, 1999

Fr. Wilde in the News

The five “P’s” of pro-life explained by keynoter at annual Respect Life Dinner (The Catholic Post, October 5, 2016)

A Priests For Life director is arrested during protest at White House (Associated Press, February 17, 2012)

Fr. Denis Visits the Knights (, October 12, 2011)

Constitutional amendment 'a fortress' against abortion (Malta Times, April 8, 2009)

Jesus and Mary can help us through life’s challenges, speakers say (The Criterion, June 27, 2008)

Life message is Augustinian’s mission (The Catholic Explorer, 2005)

Fr Denis Wilde of Priests for Life speaks on Abortion in New Orleans (Clarion Herald, 1999)

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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