
Lay - Auxiliary

Recognizing that the right to life is the first and most fundamental right that human beings possess, and aware of the attacks on human life in our day -- especially abortion and euthanasia -- I desire to associate myself with the pro-life efforts of Priests for Life.

I will pray regularly for the protection of all innocent human life.

I will take part, as much as I am able, in individual or group activities to promote the right to life, and will keep informed of the action steps suggested by the Priests for Life Association.

I will support the efforts of the clergy who courageously speak out for life, in accordance with the Church's teaching.

I am confident that the victory of Life has already been won through the Cross and Resurrection of Christ, and that by proclaiming, celebrating, and serving the gift of Life, the Church will transform the culture of death into the Kingdom of Life.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: