Priests for Life Lawsuit Against the HHS Mandate Rally for Religious Freedom May 8, 2014

Hobby Lobby stands with Priests for Life (April 29, 2014)

On this page you will find links to information about the Rally for Religious Freedom that was held on Thursday, May 8, 2014 at the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit in Washington DC. Ours is the first of the religious non-profit cases to have oral arguments heard at the appellate level on the merits. Priests for Life Attorney Robert Muise, Co-Founder and Chief Counsel of the American Freedom Law Center stated...

"This case with Priests for Life is the lead case for the non-profit religious organizations challenging the
mandate similar to how Hobby Lobby is the lead case for the for-profit companies challenging the HHS mandate."

Fr. Frank's speech at the May 8 rally Playlist of all speakers at the May 8 rally.  Listen to individual speeches by clicking on their names below.

Audio of Fr. Frank's speech at the May 8 rally

Click here to see photos from the Rally for Religious Freedom
that was held Thursday, May 8, 2014 at the US Court
of Appeals for the DC Circuit in Washington, DC

See our Rally Facebook page at

TV Coverage

EWTN News Nightly - May 8, 2014
HHS Mandate

Two lawsuits against ObamaCare
heard in federal court

Priests: HHS Law Violates Our
'Reason for Existence'

EWTN News Nightly - May 7, 2014
with Dr. Alveda King

New Evangelization Television

Speakers at the Rally included:
Sen. Ted Cruz
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas

Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey

Congressman Scott Garrett of New Jersey  

Congresswoman Diane Black
of Tennessee

Congressman Tim Huelskamp
of Kansas
Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona
Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life Day Gardner, President, National Black Pro-Life Union
Dr Alveda King, Director, African American Outreach, Priests for Life Jim Nolan, President, Crossroads
Robert Muise, American Freedom Law Center (Counsel for Priests for Life) Paul Rondeau, Executive Director, American Life League
David Yerushalmi, Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C. Sam Casey, Managing Director and General Counsel, Law of Life Project
Bryan Kemper, Director of Youth Outreach, Priests for Life Sarah Torre, Heritage Foundation
Fr. Denis Wilde, O.S.A., Associate Director, Priests for Life Tina Whittington, Assistant Director, Students for Life of America
Gary Bauer, President, American Values Rev. Rob Schenck, President, Faith and Action in the Nation’s Capitol
Lila Rose, President, Live Action Rev. Patrick Mahoney, President, Christian Defense Coalition (MC of the rally)
Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life Cathy Ruse, Senior Fellow, Family Research Council
Jeanne Monahan, President, March for Life Fr Victor Salomon, Director of Hispanic Outreach, Priests for Life
Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO, Americans United for Life Alison Howard, Communications Director for Concerned Women for America
Tim Goeglein, VP for External Relations, Focus on the Family Mallory Quigley, Susan B. Anthony List
Statements of Support
Bob Goodlatte "Our nation’s laws have long protected the right to freely exercise religious beliefs and recognized faith-based convictions as valuable and nonnegotiable. As an original co-sponsor of the bipartisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act enacted over two decades ago, I believe that the ‘government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion’ and that people of conscience should be respected for their beliefs and practices."

Congressman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President & CEO, Americans United for Life "Since the Abortion Mandate in Obamacare was exposed, Americans United for Life has been sounding the alarm. Real healthcare respects life. I hope you’ll join me on May 8 as we rally outside the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, making it clear that Americans must not be compelled to violate their conscience by being forced to pay for insurance plans that include coverage for life-ending drugs."

Dr. Charmaine Yoest
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

Paul E. Rondeau, M.A.M. "American civil society rests on three pillars: family, faith, and the Constitution. This administration has shown it is hostile to all three. If government can impose its ideology and ignore religious freedom protected by our Constitution, then choking freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to seek redress are sure to follow. Every individual, personal freedom of every single citizen—whether atheist or apostle—is actually what is on trial."

Paul E. Rondeau, M.A.M.
Executive Director
American Life League
Dr. Alveda King  "The HHS Mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forces Priests for Life to become complicit with evil by providing contraceptives, directly or indirectly, to its employees. It puts believers in a position to choose between obeying God’s law or obeying man’s law. We must obey God above human reasoning; protect the babies and their mothers. That’s why #IStandWithPFL."

Dr. Alveda King
Pastoral Associate
Priests for Life
African American Outreach
David Green, CEO & Founder  "The religious freedom of believers of all denominations is under attack. Our family therefore joins in prayerful support of the Priests for Life case against the HHS mandate. As our Hobby Lobby case represents the concerns of businesses, so the Priests for Life case represents the concerns of the religious non-profit groups. Together, we stand against this injustice, and for the law of God."

David Green, CEO
Hobby Lobby Corporate
David Green, CEO & Founder  “Congresswoman Hartzler believes the religious rights of all Americans are protected by the First Amendment. She stands with all individuals and organizations in their rejection of the Health and Human Services mandate that abortion-inducing drugs be provided as part of the health coverage offered to employees. Congresswoman Hartzler remains firm in her position that it is both unconstitutional and morally wrong for the government to force individuals and entities to abandon their religious rights.”

Congresswoman Hartzler
Brian Fisher - Co-Founder and President, Online for Life  "Abortion is fundamentally tearing apart the American family. Our government, originally designed to protect and preserve life, is on the verge of forcing its own citizens to betray its own Constitution through the HHS mandate. Father Frank Pavone and Priests for Life are on the front lines of this battle, and Online for Life is in complete support of their efforts to stop this culture of death. We stand with PFL. #IStandWithPFL"

Brian Fisher, Co-Founder and President
Online for Life
Thomas Moore Society "Thomas More Society supports Priests for Life as they fight to defend religious freedom against the HHS Mandate. As legal counsel for several plaintiffs suing against the Mandate, Thomas More Society unites with Priests for Life and all those dedicated to this important mission. We sincerely hope and pray with you that the Courts will rule in favor of religious liberty, a Constitutional right that must be preserved for the good of our citizens and our nation."

Tom Brejcha, Peter Breen, Jocelyn Floyd, Dennis Vena, Corinna Gura Konczal, Sarah Halbur, Sister Christine, Tim Murphy, and the entire staff at Chicago's Thomas More Society support Priests for Life!
Jo Tolk "Human Life Alliance stands with Priests for Life in opposing the HHS Mandate."

Jo Tolck, Executive Director
Human Life Alliance