Legal Victories for the Unborn

The Legal Pro-life Offensive Arm of Priests for Life

Dear Priests for Life Family,

Priests for Life is entering a new phase of fighting back against the abortion industry and of taking the offensive on the legal front to defend babies and their moms.

I’m happy to announce to you the start of a new branch of our ministry called Legal Victories for the Unborn.

For decades, we have worked side by side, both publicly and behind the scenes, with the best attorneys that the pro-life movement has.

We have been to the US Supreme Court as plaintiffs in our Priests for Life vs. HHS case under the Obama-Biden Administration, and we have joined in many other cases as a Friend of the Court.

Now, we are intensifying our activity, because with the help of these attorneys, we have identified several fronts on which we can fight.

Now that the elections have passed, we have to plan for what happens next, and these legal initiatives will move forward no matter who is in power.

We are fighting on several fronts, for the babies, their moms, and for you as pro-life advocates.

First, we have several opportunities to challenge pro-abortion laws and constitutional amendments. We will do so from the vantage point of women’s rights.

In Michigan, for instance, court proceedings are underway to defend women against the pro-abortion ballot measure that voters were deceived into passing two years ago.

Little did most voters realize that by taking away pro-life laws, you also take away the protection those laws give to women from the harmful and deceptive practices of the abortion industry.

We are fighting back.

And we can speak firsthand about the rights of women, through those who have come to us through our Silent No More Awareness Campaign. As we take these legal initiatives, their voices will be loud and clear.

See Press Release: Taking Coerced Abortions to Court: Silent No More Sounds the Alarm on Behalf of Women’s Freedom and the text of the lawsuit filed by longtime pro-life advocate and attorney Harold Cassidy on behalf of Women’s Life Care Center, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, Dakota Hope Clinic, two doctors and three mothers.

The abortion movement thinks it has a monopoly on the voices of women. It does not. We have more voices than they do, and we will use them.

Second, our Legal Victories for the Unborn initiative will defend pro-life laws that are under attack. I have known for a long time the state legislator in North Dakota who is behind much of that state’s strong pro-life policy.

But a judge has just attacked that law, and we are going to help her defend it.

Likewise, we saw a pro-abortion ruling in Georgia recently stopping the heartbeat law there.

But these rulings are out of step with the Supreme Court which, in the Dobbs decision, called for deference to the pro-life laws of the states.

So based on that, we are fighting back.

Third, our Legal Victories for the Unborn initiative will defend pro-life activists who are under attack for peaceful protest and free speech activity. You’ll soon read more about what we’re doing in Tennessee to defend some of our friends who were recently sentenced there.

The Biden-Harris DOJ is throwing peaceful pro-life people in prison. We are going to stand by them in Court and help to get them out.

Fourth, we will defend the free speech rights of pro-life pregnancy centers and ministries which, just like our own, proclaim from the rooftops that those who change their mind after taking abortion drugs can possibly save their babies through a medical protocol actually developed by Priests for Life medical advisors!

Pro-life centers who talk about this “abortion pill reversal” are being legally threatened in various states where pro-abortion attorneys general are trying to silence them.

We are fighting back.

And finally, we will defend the freedom of religion of pro-life organizations and ministries against mandates to include abortion in health insurance. We’ve been down this road before, as I mentioned earlier, right up to the US Supreme Court.

But the pro-abortion people keep pushing to get groups like ours – and other religious ministries – to foster and pay for abortion.

We are fighting back.

I hope you are as excited as I am about Legal Victories for the Unborn.

We have a lot of pro-life attorneys with whom we will work.

But we will also need a lot of financial support from you.

This is hard work, expensive work, but work that can pay off in very big ways. We hope you’re ready to join us to Fight, Fight, Fight!


Prolife Leader Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: