Talking Points - H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act

Here’s some of the things H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, would do if it became law:

Negate state mandatory waiting periods before abortion.

Eliminate state requirements for ultrasound prior to abortion.

Prohibit abortionists or staff from providing information about the developing fetus, potential risks of abortion or the possibility of halting a chemical abortion.

Eliminate state bans on telemedicine.

Repeal laws calling for abortion businesses to meet standards of other ambulatory surgery centers; requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals;

Eliminate bans on certain abortion procedures, including dismemberment abortion.

Eliminate bans on abortion after fetal viability based on ability to feel pain.

Prohibit abortionists or staff from asking the reason for the abortion – for instance, sex-selective abortion or abortion for Down syndrome.

Eliminate a ban on abortion after a heartbeat is detected.

Eliminate conscience protection rights for healthcare providers.

Eliminate the Sanctuary City designation in more than two dozen U.S. cities that have declared themselves abortion-free zones.

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