Priests for Life: Supreme Court could protect women from dangerous abortion drugs

Priests for Life

Publication Date: March 26, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                

Contact:  Leslie Palma


TITUSVILLE, FL – Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone and Executive Director Janet Morana issued the following statements today regarding the U.S. Supreme Court case that could impact the way the chemical abortion drug mifepristone is used. The Court is hearing oral arguments today.

“For three decades we have been complaining about the way in which the government has been cutting corners when it comes to this baby-killing drug,” Pavone said. “For the Supreme Court to consider whether the actions of the FDA have been based on politics rather than on science is long overdue, and we believe the case is pretty clear-cut.”

Mrs. Morana, who also is co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, said recent figures showing chemical abortion accounts for 63 percent of all abortions in the nation point to the fact that more women are at risk every day.

“Our abortion-friendly government stopped reporting any adverse effects women suffer from this drug because this administration simply does not care if women are harmed,” she said. “But we have heard from countless women that chemical abortion was not easy, or quick, or without consequences. This drug should be off the market, but failing that, it’s my hope the Court does all in its power to reduce the use of mifepristone.”

Priests for Life filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, known as Food and Drug Administration vs. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The American Freedom Law Center, which has assisted Priests for Life in a number of high-profile cases, prepared the brief.

In the brief, Priests for Life summarized the testimonies of women from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (a joint project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life) who were harmed by their experience with chemical abortion, and pointed out that the FDA removed restrictions that would “at a minimum, help to mitigate some of the harmful effects of what can only be described as a diabolical procedure as its objective is to destroy innocent human life.”

For more information about this case and to join the prayer campaign we have launched for victory in this case, visit

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