Valley Catholics appreciate Priests for Life

Loretta Michelena R.N.

Document Publication: MONITOR

Publication Date: November 02, 2000

To the editor:

A special thanks to the Rev. Frank Pavone, International Director, Priests For Life from Staten Island, New York for his recent visit to Valley Catholic Churches during this special Jubilee Year 2000 "Respect Life Pilgrimage," Sept. 30 to Oct. 10, 2000.

We consider ourselves extremely blessed for not only the privilege of having Fr. Pavone as a priest, teacher and mentor but we thank God for bringing him into our lives as our friend through the Eternal Word Television Network.

Fr. Pavone's accomplishments are too numerous to mention, but as Jesus Christ said to his disciples, "You will teach by example" so are the philosophies of Fr. Pavone.

His compassion, humility and dedication as a priest and human being are unparalleled.

Finally, Fr. Pavone's dedication for "The Gift of Life" can be best described as "Christ in action." We thank God and ask Him to hold Fr. Pavone near and dear in His heart as all pro-life advocates do.

Loretta Michelena R.N.

McAllen, TX

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