Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, will speak about his work and thepro-life cause Jan. 3, 7:30 p.m. at the Mission San Diego de Alcala. Everyone is invited.
Father Pavone, 36, has been involved with pro-life activities for many years. Involvement in the movement as a high school student moved him to apply for seminary studies, and 10 years later he was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of New York by Cardinal John O'Connor.
For the first five years following his ordination, Father Pavone was involved with parish work and produced a regular Catholic television show for cable TV. He also taught part-time in various theology programs, including the permanent diaconate formation program at St Joseph's Seminary.
In the spring of 1993, however, Father Pavone felt the call to work full-time in pro-life ministry. He had made up his mind to speak with Cardinal O'Connor about this, but before he had the chance, Father Lee Kaylor, a friend of Father Pavone's, telephoned and asked if he would serve as full-time national director of Priests for Life. Cardinal O'Connor supported the idea and in September of 1993, Father Pavone became National Director of Priests for Life, an association of Catholic priests (deacons can also hold full membership) who give special emphasis to promoting and defending the sanctity of human life. He now travels throughout the country preaching and teaching about pro-life issues and helping the faithful and other priests to do the same. He is a popular guest on radio and TV. including Mother Angelica's EWTN. Mother Teresa also recently asked Father Pavone to address the clergy of India.
Father Pavone will also address priests, deacons, seminarians and men in diaconate formation Jan. 2 at 7:30 pm at the diocesan pastoral center.
For further info, call the Office for Social Ministries at 490-8323.