The Rev. Frank Pavone carries a textbook on abortion in his travels as national director of Priests for Life.
The idea is, he said, that if more people understood the medical details of abortion, they would join him in opposing it.
"It's the most common medical procedure done," Pavone said Thursday before he spoke at the annual Rose Dinner of the Grand Forks Right To Life Association. "Let's take a look at it."
Despite the fact that he is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, Pavone said he would be against abortion even if he were an atheist, on scientific and rational grounds.
His message in Grand Forks is that people must get involved in challenging their political and government leaders on abortion.
Being against abortion is only part of the pro-life movement, which also aims to protect people from assisted suicide and capital punishment, he said.
"To be pro-life means to be pro-woman," Pavone said. "The bulk of the pro-life movement is devoted to finding alternatives to abortion for women in need."
Legal abortion threatens everyone, he said. "If women can have the choice to kill their child, the child can have the choice to kill its mother or father," Pavone said.
The Rev. Frank Pavone will be on a panel at 9 a.m. today at the Townhouse Motel in Grand Forks, moderated by the Rev. Roger Schelinder.