Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Two leading pro-life groups have teamed up to help women suffering from abortions and who regret their abortion decision. Noticing that many women who are still needing help after an abortion are noticing the 40 Days for Life outreach events, the groups are hoping to combine forces to help them.
Shawn Carney, of 40 Days, tells www.LifeNews.com about the genesis of the new partnership.
"While traveling to 40 Days for Life sites across North America, I frequently hear stories of people who are drawn in by the sight of people praying in front of the abortion centers -- people who've either had abortions themselves, or people who supported others' decisions to abort," he said.
"Many of these people were in anguish for years -- but had not taken the first step to seek Christ's healing until something touched them through 40 Days for Life," he added.
Carney says the Silent No More Awareness Campaign stepped up to the plate to help these people and is calling upon 40 Days participants to stand in unified prayer at as many of the 40 Days for Life vigil sites as possible next Tuesday.
That's the date the pro-abortion activists have set aside to honor abortion practitioners.
"That concept flies in the face of the destruction we know abortion causes," said Carney, "not just for the baby whose life is taken, but for the mother, the father -- and many others including extended family and friends.
Janet Morana, co-founder of Silent No More, talks about the special day.
“We will stand with those in the 40 Days for Life vigils outside abortion businesses to let women know that abortion doesn't end a problem, it creates a lifetime of new ones,” she told LifeNews.com. “We will bear witness that the abortionist’s tools don't just attack an unborn child’s body, they attack a woman’s soul.”
Georgette Forney, another co-founder of the group and a woman who regrets her own abortion decision, says having the joint effort on March 10 provides real help for post-abortive women rather than honoring the abortion practitioners who took their children and injured them.
“The abortion industry says that March 10 is ‘Thank Your Abortion Provider Day,’” she told LifeNews.com. "We will reclaim that day by sending a different message to our abortion providers – stop the lies, put down your killing tools, and seek forgiveness.”
Carney says he appreciates having the post-abortion group involved.
"We are highly encouraged that the Silent No More Awareness Campaign is urging women and men who have found healing in the wake of abortion to stand witness in front of abortion facilities on March 10 in connection with 40 Days for Life," he said. "The message of post- abortion healing plays an important role in the dismantling of the abortion culture and the construction of a new culture of life."
Women who are involved with the campaign will be carrying signs that read, "I regret my abortion," and men will be holding signs with the message, "I regret lost fatherhood."
Carney hopes the outreach will help other women avoid abortions.
"It is our fervent hope that women with abortion appointments on March 10 will see the silent, prayerful witness of others who have walked in their shoes, and avoid making a tragic decision that could haunt them physically, psychologically and spiritually for years and years to come," he said.
This outreach is the product of an effort that took place in Charlotte, North Carolina, where two of the local 40 Days for Life campaign leaders are also regional coordinators for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.
One day of last fall's 40 Days for Life vigil was set aside as Silent No More Day, where women and men with abortion experiences were asked to bring their signs and join volunteers for prayer outside the Charlotte abortion facility where the vigil was being held.
Related web sites:
Silent No More Awareness Campaign - https://www.SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
40 Days for Life - https://40daysforlife.com