Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Partial-birth Abortion

Priests for Life

Publication Date: April 18, 2007


The State's Interest in Life by Fr. Frank Pavone

Read the text of the decision (PDF format)

Washington DC - “Priests for Life applauds the ruling today of the United States Supreme Court upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. The United States Congress, and the vast majority of state legislators and American citizens, have made it clear over the last decade that this procedure – by which a child is killed in the very process of delivery – has no place in a civilized society.

”We are grateful to all who worked so hard to pass this law and to educate the public about this unspeakably violent procedure.”

Fr. Frank Pavone and Priests for Life have been commenting publicly on partial-birth abortion since 1993. Fr. Frank attended the oral arguments this past November for the cases just decided by the Court.


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