Women's Advisory Babies Buried at EWTN Shrine

Priests for Life Organized, Fr. Frank Pavone Officiated

Monica Miller
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
Publication Date: August 01, 2008

This tiny white casket contains the bodies of 3 of the aborted babies retrieved from the dumpster behind Women’s Advisory abortion clinic in Livonia, Michigan by Citizen’s for a Pro-life Society. The casket is carried by four altar boys and is followed by Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, who officiated at the funeral and burial at the EWTN Shrine in Hanceville, Alabama.  

On Sunday, July 27th over 500 mourners gathered at Mother Angelica's Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama to bury three aborted babies that were retrieved from the dumpster  behind the Women's Advisory abortion clinic in Livonia, Michigan by Citizens for a Prolife Society. The babies are named Enoch, Karen-Esther and Rebekah.

Father Frank Pavone organized the burial and officiated at the burial service. (See Fr. Pavone's statement  on the Hanceville burial.) The mourners gathered in standing-room only in the Shrine for the first part of the service. Father Pavone asked anyone who wished to do so to come up and view the aborted babies as they lay in a white coffin before the altar. This was a most moving part of the ceremony.

I (Dr. Monica Miller) stood right at the head of the coffin and observed the many people who came up to pay their respects. So much grief shown on the faces of those who saw the babies, so many tears, such respect and reverence for these little cast away babies who were murdered in abortion and treated like trash. I felt that in this ceremony we were undoing a little bit of the injustice that had been committed against these innocents. 

The Women's Advisory clinic abortionist and staff consigned these babies to the trash. They lay in a dumpster never meant to be seen. No one was ever to look upon them--the unwanted and forgotten--God's children made in his image and likeness--but now many eyes looked upon their torn bodies and shed tears for them. We undid the broken world of abortion at least for these few children. We reversed--at least in some small measure--the world of abortion and what that world intended for these babies.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org