Arrest of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell Reveals House of Horrors Built by Roe

The truth is what Gosnell did is no different than what is done in every procured abortion.

Deacon Keith Fournier

Document Publication: Catholic Online

Publication Date: January 24, 2011

There are times when the truth concerning what actually happens in every procured abortion becomes obvious and the Nation is shaken out of its complacency. Perhaps the House of Horrors found in Philadelphia will be one of those moments.  What was hidden is now being revealed. The truth is what "Doctor" Gosnell did is no different than what is done in every procured abortion. The only difference is that it is hidden from view.

WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) - In only a matter of days thousands will gather in Washington, DC to mourn and march in response to the horrors unleashed by the US Supreme Court decisions in Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton thirty eight years ago. On January 22, 1973, the highest Court in the United States rejected the Right to Life revealed by the Natural Law and written on every heart, fashioning instead - out of a constructed "penumbra" - an alleged "right" for a woman to take the life of her child in the womb at any time during pregnancy for any reason.   52 million of our innocent neighbors have been killed as a result.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011, news reports were filled with stories concerning the events which occurred in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania involving one Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell. He has been criminally charged for the commission of eight murders. Seven children were killed by this man after they were born. This butcher executed them by utilizing a procedure he referred to as "snipping". He severed their spinal cord with surgical scissors which he inserted into the back of their necks. The eighth charge involved the death of one of the mothers from an apparent overdose of anesthetics administered during one of the executions.

Like millions, I was sickened by the reports. The gruesome details were recounted in numerous venues throughout the media. The most graphic report I heard was on CNN news. Brooke Baldwin interviewed the Prosecutor on the case, Seth Williams. The details of the evil actions of "Doctor" Kermit Gosnell and the blunt description offered by the Prosecutor in this interview became too much for Ms. Baldwin. At one point, she attempted to stop the prosecutor by mouthing an inane comment to the effect that all of this "is alleged". However, the Prosecutor persisted.

He told her that everything he recounted was a part of Grand Jury testimony and in evidence. He spoke of the "House of Horrors" they found at this Abortion facility where these dead children were kept in bottles of Formaldehyde. He told the correspondent that they found "severed feet" and "body parts" everywhere, including in the same refrigerator where staff kept their lunch. Finally, that the perpetrator/Doctor (executioner) was paid on a sliding scale depending on the age and size of the child. Finally, he bemoaned the fact that these abortion "clinics" are not regulated, noting that barber shops receive more governmental scrutiny.

All day, as one sordid account after another emerged, I kept thinking of the words of Jesus found in the Gospels, "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light".(Luke 8:17) I thought back to October of 2010 when the remains of Seventeen babies in medical zip lock bags with the names of their mothers labeled on the outside were found in a dumpster at the Woman's Choice abortion mill in Lansing, Michigan. Under Michigan law abortion mills can place aborted babies and biohazardous waste in the trash as long as they're dipped in formaldehyde beforehand.

However, I reminded myself of what I know; the truth concerning the humanity of the child in the womb and their Right to be Life is winning the hearts and minds of more and more people. Medical Science is now a Pro-Life ally. Sonograms showing us a film of our first neighbors in their first home in the womb have become commonplace. We watch these children smile, play, feel pain and grow. The beautiful images are showing up on television commercials, being sent over our cell phones, blackberry devices and I-Pads; a sure sign in a consumerist culture that this technology is having an effect. Only a deceived person can fail to see that child in the womb is a human person, and our neighbor.

Physicians are now routinely operating "in utero" to help children in need and placing them back in the first home of the womb to be delivered full term. Psychologists encourage communication between parents and their child in the womb. Parents are playing music to children in the womb. The efforts to use dehumanizing phrases to hide the perfidy of abortion are failing. Medical science and technology confirm what our conscience told us all along, the child in the first home of the whole human race is our neighbor and it is wrong to kill innocent neighbors.

Yet, the crime of procured abortion is not only allowed but protected by the civil law, even though it is a violation of the preeminent Right to Life. Those who commit these heinous acts against our youngest neighbors are actually protected by the police power of the State. There are times when the truth concerning what actually happens in every procured abortion becomes obvious and the Nation is shaken out of its complacency. Perhaps the House of Horrors found in Philadelphia will be one of those moments.  What was hidden is now being revealed.

The truth is what "Doctor" Gosnell did is no different than what is done in every procured abortion. The only difference is that it is hidden from view, at least from most of us. The same sonogram technology used for baby's first picture is also being used to guide the instruments of execution or the injection of the chemical weapons. The same deadly "snipping" using surgical scissors is being done within the womb. The same body parts found in the House of Horrors in Philadelphia are suctioned and scraped out of the wombs of women who have been lied to by evil organizations like Planned Parenthood who then try to make it all sound so "clinical".

The events in West Philadelphia call us to examine what we are becoming as Western civilization loses its soul. We are killing our children based upon the sole criteria of convenience and "wantedness". That is the effect of legal abortion on demand. Usually, the disposal of their little bodies is hidden from our eyes. We do not want to see what an abortion really looks like. When people show graphic images of the remains of a child killed by abortion, they are called "extremists". However, today, the veil was removed for all to see and the House of Horrors reveals our National shame.

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