Silent No More

Steve Neill

Document Publication: The Catholic Virginian-Richmond, VA

Publication Date: January 09, 2012

When the national March for Life is held every year on Jan. 22 — to commemorate the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade ruling which outlawed most state laws on abortion — witnesses for Silent No More are much in evidence.

The pro-life organization is spearheaded by women who have had an abortion and regret their action. They realize there are many other women who have been in the same circumstances and hope that by their witness, they can deter other women from making the same mistake.

Actress Jennifer O’Neill is perhaps the best known spokesperson of Silent No More. She has participated in the March for Life and shared her story of how she felt coerced to have an abortion in her early 20s. She initially was thrilled to learn she was pregnant but her fiance insisted that she have an abortion and drove her to an abortion clinic.

Now there is a new website of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign which features testimonies of individual men and women who regret their abortion or role in urging another to have an abortion. No one can better tell a story than one who has lived it.

While some pro-choice advocates may shake their heads and think of these true stories as playing on one’s emotions or “crying over spilled milk,” Silent No More puts a human face on the tragedy of abortion.

The top of the page at features buttons for women who are pregnant and need help, for those who are suffering from the pain of a past abortion and need healing, and for those who want to become more involved in reaching out to pregnant women and mothers and fathers who have experienced abortion.

Just the day before New Year’s eve a woman called the campaign office and said she had been planning to abort her baby, adding that she already had three children. But after she checked the website of Silent No More and read the testimony from a woman who regretted her abortion, she changed her mind. She couldn’t go through with it and a baby’s life was saved.

“She didn’t want to have the regret these women suffer from,” said a spokesperson from the campaign office. “And she was concerned that, although she is always able to forgive others, she might not ever be able to forgive herself.”

This is one woman’s story. Others have different circumstances, but they all have come together to help others who find they are pregnant and feel abortion is the only answer. It is not.

Those interested can visit the new site at




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