"To me, it's more disturbing to tell teenage girls how to do an abortion on yourself at home than it is to show what an abortion is." -Bryan Kempers
I admit to being a fairly frequent Facebook user, and for the most part, it's been a great way to connect with friends, and find out about different events or important news, or even prayer requests.
However, Facebook's latest actions have me questioning whether or not to continue on the mega popular social networking site, or to remove my profile altogether.
According to a WND report by Dave Tombers; after having censored it, Facebook apologized and restored user Rebecca Gomperts' Do-It-Yourself, at home abortion directions which she had posted on her profile.
At the same time, Facebook pulled pro-life advocate Bryan Kempers' photo message that depicted what an abortion actually entails. The six-photo collage shows what "friends," "the world," "society" and even what the abortionist himself thinks he does; with the final photo revealing what actually happens, as a tiny dismembered pre-born baby is held in the palm of a gloved hand. (Kemper's graphic: to see it enlarged, visit the source link provided.)
Now, I personally hate seeing pictures like that—they make me ill. But, the message is very true, in that if people really knew what the effects of an abortion were, would they still do it, or have it done?
But that message was taken off by Facebook, even while they not only reinstated the DIY home abortion message, but also apologized to its author for censoring it in the first place.
The WND report noted regarding Rebecca's DIY instructions, "According to the National Institute of Health, the drug in question–Misoprostol–includes side effects in its anti-ulcer purpose including miscarriages, premature labor, and birth defects."
My question to Facebook is: exactly how can you censor a true depiction of something, without also censoring what could potentially cause women harm—or kill them—not to mention (but I will) kill their babies, or in the event it doesn't, would cause major birth defects? Also, the DIY instructions include lying to the pharmacist to get what you need.
Wow, really? Facebook is now advocating lying to a health official?
This is "pick-and-choose" censorship and it has no consistency or standards. You, Facebook, are rejecting what is truth and choosing to allow what is dishonest and harmful to women.
Facebook; BE CONSISTENT! If you're going to censor a graphic—but true—picture and message, because it may disturb people, I can understand that. But, then you must also censor something that is giving people the steps to harm their own bodies, and that of a baby they may be carrying, and which involves a lie that may be unlawful.
Kempers, who is the director of youth outreach for Priests for Life, said in the article, "If abortion is such a great thing for women, and an aborted fetus is just a clump of cells, then show everyone. But they won't, because then people will start to see the truth, that abortion kills."
So, what do Facebook users who value life do?
I spoke with Bryan Kempers via cell phone yesterday, and while he is in the process of putting together a petition to Facebook, right now users can log onto: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=ui_otherand ask the social network to be fair in their censorship by taking down Rebecca Gomperts' DIY abortion instructions.
"To me, it's more disturbing to tell teenage girls how to do an abortion on yourself at home than it is to show what an abortion is," said Kempers on the phone. "I think it's dangerous to have them do something without their doctor's supervision. And, to lie to a pharmacist to obtain the drugs—in my opinion this borderlines on illegal."
"So, my goal is more to get the DIY abortion [instructions] taken off, than to let my message stay. I'd be happy to have my photo [of the aborted fetus] taken off if it means taking off the DIY abortion [instructions]."
Contact Facebook to ask them to please take off the DIY abortion message posted on Rebecca Gomperts' profile—as it can potentially cause major health problems, or death to women, as well as their babies if attempted, and it also promotes what is most likely illegal—by logging onto: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=ui_other
See the Priests for Life press release about this