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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Alveda King, visited the Orchard Lake Schools St. Mary’s campus on Wednesday evening to speak about the anti-abortion movement.
“There are so many people in the community that are concerned about life, and I’m concerned about life,” said King.
At the event, King’s speech entitled, “How can the Dream Survive,” talked about how important it is to not abort people in or out of the womb.
She also spoke about how the community needs to continue to help the sick and seniors until natural death.
“I’m supporting the life and civil rights of all people from fertilization and conception to natural death,” said King.
King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala. and her family’s church office in Louisville were both bombed. As a result, the events led her to be jailed during the open house movement. She believes the anti-abortion movement is a continuation of the civil rights struggle.
“Growing up in a civil rights family means the rights of all human beings exist and to be blessed,” said King.
The event also featured Chief Executive Officer of Grace Center of Hope in Pontiac, Pastor Kent W. Clark as Master of Ceremonies, the musical ministry, Men of Grace from Grace Center of Hope and members from the Lake Area Right to Life organization.
The Lake Area Right to Life works is a non-profit organization that works educating the general public on anti-abortion issues and protecting the lives of the unborn, the defenseless and vulnerable human beings from the time of conception through natural death.
“It’s so important to have the sanctity of life right from conception until natural death,” said Judy Bonish, President of Right to Life. “All the babies that have been aborted should have a chance to live.”
As the Director of the African-American Outreach for Priests for Life, King helps spread the message of Right to Life by protecting the civil rights of the unborn.
“I want all people from birth through adulthood to have the chance to achieve their dreams,” said King.
To learn more about Dr. Alveda King views on the anti-abortion movement check out her book, How Can the Dream Survive if We Murder Our Children.