Abortion extremist faces 4-year jail term

Theodore Shulman threatened to kill anti-abortion foes

Robert Gearty

Document Publication: New York Daily News

Publication Date: May 11, 2012

A PRO-ABORTION extremist pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal Court Thursday to posting an online comment threatening violence against two abortion foes.

Theodore Shulman, 51, faces up to 51 months in prison at his sentencing date on Sept. 12. He has been held without bail since his arrest in February 2011.

Shulman made the threat in January 2010 on the website of a conservative Catholic magazine.

The threat targets Priests For Life director the Rev. Frank Pavone and Princeton University professor Robert George and said they would be killed if the accused killer of Wichita abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was acquitted.

Anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder was convicted of the killing the same month Shulman made his threat.

“Mr. Shulman is in my prayers and I extend to him my personal forgiveness,” said Pavone who is identified as Victim-2 in the indictment.

The plea deal includes an agreement that prosecutors would not charge Shulman for possession of cyanide and two other deadly substances at the time of his arrest.

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