Planned Parenthood: Abortion Rights are Civil Rights

Steve Ertelt

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Publication Date: May 10, 2012

Planned Parenthood is out today with a statement praising President Barack Obama’s change of position on the issue of gay marriage. Within the statement, the nation’s biggest abortion business makes a curious connection, claiming abortion rights are on par with civil rights.

In praising Obama’s change of position, the abortion giant also praises him for standing for abortion, though it remains careful never to use the a-word.

“Planned Parenthood applauds President Obama for his historic announcement on marriage equality today. This president has been a steadfast ally for women’s reproductive health and rights and for the rights of all men and women to participate fully in society,” it says.

“Planned Parenthood believes that reproductive rights are deeply connected to civil rights for all Americans,” Planned Parenthood continues. “We have long stood with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the struggle for full equality – many of whom turn to Planned Parenthood for health care, information and education – and today we join LGBT communities to celebrate President Obama’s commitment to equality.”

Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., has long said that abortion is the greatest civil rights violation and mentioned many times that her uncle would agree with her.

“I know in my heart that if Uncle Martin were alive today, he would join with me in the greatest civil rights struggle of this generation – the recognition of the unborn child’s basic right to life,” she told previously.

“My uncle Martin would agree that we cannot end poverty, hunger, or suffering by killing those who might suffer,” she explained. “We cannot claim to guarantee equal rights if we deny the rights of the helpless. And we cannot feign ignorance of the fact that those who are torn apart, crushed, or left to die on an abortionist’s table are just as human as we are.”

“My uncle said that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Alveda continued.

“Abortion is genocide,” King says. “It’s killing populations. It’s killing generations and certainly the population that is most impacted by abortion in America is the black community. So I feel that as a civil rights leader I have responsibility to proclaim that black Americans are being exterminated by the genocidal acts of abortion.”

Alveda King is now a proud mother of six and grandmother of six, but she once took the lives of her own children in abortion. Now, as a Christian pro-life leader, she works with Priests for Life and Silent No More to stop abortion.

“I had two abortions and a miscarriage related to damage from those abortions,” King has said. “I realized that I was violating the civil rights of a person. When I had my abortions, we were told that it was a blob of tissue and not a person.”

“The great irony is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of. Roughly one quarter of the black population is now missing,” she adds.

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