Our Media is the Street--The Why and How of Street Activism
Sidewalk Counseling is a Constitutional Right
A Special Method of Sidewalk Counseling
Why I Go To Pray at Abortion Mills
Why Pray the Rosary at Abortion Mills?
We will not go away!
An Open Letter from a Sidewalk Counselor to a Woman Walking into an Abortuary
Respect Sidewalk Rescuers
Bishops Praying at Abortion Clinics
Current Norms Governing Exorcisms
Prayer Service for the Preborn (can be used outside an abortion mill)
A Comparison with the Civil Rights Movement: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's Letter from the Birmingham Jail
Whose Rhetoric Leads to Violence? (Fr. Frank responds to the charge that pro-life "rhetoric" leads to killing abortionists.)
Do Peaceful Demonstrations Against Abortion Prevent Violence? See what the evidence says
Listen to Fr. Frank's talks:
Don't Be Silenced in Taking your Pro-life Message to the Public! part 1: Download and part 2: Download]
How Should We Respond to the Accusation of Fostering Violence? (Note: This talk helped to convert an abortion mill security guard.) [MP3 Format part 1: Download and part 2: Download]
Our First Amendment Rights to proclaim the truth about abortion are always in need of defense, both from us and from appropriate legal counsel. One excellent source of help in this regard is the Thomas More Law Center, 3475 Plymouth Road, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-2550. Phone: 734-827-2001.
More you can do
Educational Materials on Abortion
Various Prayers for Life