Fr. Pavone: It’s more important than ever to remember Terri Schiavo

Priests for Life

Publication Date: March 31, 2014


Contact:  Leslie Palma - 347-286-7277

NEW YORK, NY -- Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement today to mark the “International Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Terri Schindler Schiavo, and All of Our Vulnerable Brothers and Sisters,” or "Terri's Day," on the ninth anniversary of the death of Terri Schindler Schiavo:

“Nine years ago today, I sat and prayed with a woman who had been denied food and water for two weeks. I saw the light fading from her eyes, and just minutes after our time together, she died. Terri’s death was the perverse wish of her murderous husband and carried out by order of a court. 

“With efforts under way to expand the ‘right to die’ in many locales, it’s more important than ever that we remember Terri and the increasingly callous way our society judges a person’s right to life. She was not hooked up to any machines. She was able to smile and kiss her parents and siblings. Her family saw her as a blessing, not a burden. Terri didn’t insist on any 'right to die,' and I am certain that if she could have spoken up for herself, she would still be with us today."

To read and listen to an eyewitness account of Terri Schiavo’s death, and to hear Fr. Frank's homily at her funeral, go to To find prayers and activities for today's observance, go to

 Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

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