Alveda King advocates pro-life decisions

Trisha Nemec

Document Publication: The Shorthorn -

Publication Date: February 18, 2015

Alveda King spoke to nearly 50 people in the Engineering Research Building on Wednesday about rights belonging to unborn children.

Alveda King’s father, Alfred “A.D.” King, and her uncle, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., advocated for American civil rights, but Alveda King said it is the unborn that need someone to fight for their civil rights now.

“The baby needs an advocate,” Alveda King said. “What we want is for people to embrace each other as brothers and sisters.”

A mixture of students attended the luncheon. Some went because of her namesake and her family’s part in the Civil Rights movement. Other students attended because she is a pro-life advocate.

Alveda King said people have the responsibility to protect an unborn baby, but she can’t tell them what to do. She said it may be the woman’s body, but the fetus also has its own.

“The baby can’t talk and the baby can’t speak, but the baby can hear and the baby can perceive,” Alveda King said.

Pro-Life Mavericks hosted the event, but some members never saw the issue in the way Alveda King explained it.

“I haven’t heard of it in that way, actually,” said Naomi Carlton, Pro-Life Mavericks vice president. “It’s just a different term for it, but it is the same concept. This is a person. They have the same human rights that we have.”

Alveda King gave a brief history of the life she lived as a child and how her own mother considered having her aborted. She also said she had two secret abortions when she was younger.

Some students connected to what Alveda King said and could relate.

Nursing freshman Shermiyah Webster said her mother had once considered having an abortion when pregnant with her. Webster said listening to Alveda King speak touched her.


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