Silent No More reaches out to parents affected by Planned Parenthood organ-selling scandal

Leslie Palma-Simoncek

Publication Date: July 21, 2015

As the firestorm continues to spread after the release of the damning video of Planned Parenthood Medical Director Deborah Nucatola and her cavalier comments about harvesting the organs and body parts of unborn babies, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign is reaching out to all mothers and fathers experiencing regret, anxiety, nightmares, and deep grief as they face the reality of what abortion did to their unborn child. 


Many parents participate in the death of their child under great duress, with widespread ignorance about fetal development, the capacity of the fetus to experience pain, and the physical and emotional complications after abortion.


Janet Morana and Georgette Forney, co-founders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, said they knew as they watched the video that many parents of aborted babies would relive their abortion experience, made worse now by listening to the heartless words of Planned Parenthood’s top doctor.


“We know from of our Silent No More testimonies that many women signed the consent form for organ or tissue donation before their procedures under duress and sometimes in a pressured or coercive atmosphere,” said Mrs. Morana. “It’s very possible that what sounded like a noble ideal – tissue donation – has become something much darker with the release last week of the Center for Medical Progress video.”


Mrs. Forney said: “We want to share a message of God’s mercy, healing and forgiveness for anyone who is experiencing anguish and regret from their abortion losses.  You can visit our healing search page at Silent No More,  Simply enter your zip code and find a list of healing resources in your community along with phone and email contact information.”


The focus in much of the recent coverage is rightly on the unborn babies and on the illegal and immoral actions of Planned Parenthood.  But Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard and pastoral associate for Silent No More, said the mothers and fathers who lost their children to abortion also must be considered now.


“We know the pro-abortion movement pits the life of the vulnerable pregnant mom against the life of her unborn child,” he said. “In an unprecedented situation like this one, we can’t forget about these moms who are reliving the trauma of their abortion, no matter how long ago it was.”


Father Frank Pavone, Pastoral Director of Silent No More, added: “To be pro-life means to be pro-woman. It doesn't mean that we love the babies and we forget about the mothers. What it means is very simple: We love them both. We protect them both. We welcome and care for them both. Planned Parenthood exploits both mother and child.”



The Campaign began November 11th, 2002.  As of February 2015, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign has held 1,436 Gatherings in 17 countries & 48 states with 5,934 women and men sharing their abortion testimonies. Testimonies have also been shared at 104 high schools and universities in the last 4 years, 26 in 2014. There are 2,233 testimonies posted on the Campaign website, with 332 that are shared via video!  Currently there are 16,225 people registered with the Campaign representing 77 countries. People who are not ready to join the Campaign, are invited to register their regret. So far, 4,890 women and 573men have said they regret their abortion or lost fatherhood.  Another552 women and men have posted memorials to their children.


The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life.  For more information, please visit our website:                                                                                                                       

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