Congress Asked to Investigate Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts

Steve Ertelt

Document Publication:

Publication Date: July 14, 2015

Leading pro-life groups are calling on Congress to investigate the Planned Parenthood abortion business after a shocking new expose’ video has caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion business sells the body parts of aborted babies.

New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

Federal law prohibits the sale of body parts of aborted babies. In fact, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). However, Planned Parenthood appears to be complying with what is a very weak law.

As a result, pro-life groups are calling on federal officials to probe the nation’s biggest abortion business.

Americans United for Life President Charmaine Yoest called for an immediate Congressional investigation into the alleged atrocities exposed by the images from the new undercover video.

She told “This video provides a shocking reality check about the grisly, inhumane business model of Planned Parenthood.  Under Cecile Richards’ leadership, breast screenings are down, abortions are up and profits are up, as even the bodies of the unborn become something else for her to sell. We call for an immediate Congressional investigation into these alleged atrocities. And just as important, the time is now to de-fund Planned Parenthood. The American taxpayer should not be in business with such callous profiteers.”

Yoest continued: “Planned Parenthood is Abortion, Inc. Increasing their market share of abortions, cutting life-affirming services and now apparently creating a secretive abortion market, callously utilizing their unborn victims for one purpose – making money. This kind of gruesome behavior explains why Planned Parenthood has worked so hard to increase its share of the abortion market to 1 in 3, even as the number of women having abortions seems to be declining.”

She said the shocking video “shows that later term abortions, such as those after 5 months of pregnancy, produce infant body parts more valuable for sale. Perhaps that is one reason why the nation’s largest abortion provider fights limiting abortions at a point at which abortions become so dangerous to women as well as the unborn child. Congress needs to use their subpoena power to determine how Planned Parenthood is using taxpayer dollars and whether they are violating the federal prohibition on sale of human body parts.”

Lila Rose, the head of LiveAction, which has done its own undercover video investigations of the Planed Parenthood abortion corporation, is also asking federal officials to intervene. Here’s what she told LifeNews today:

“This investigation by the Center for Medical Progress reveals the unimaginable horror that is Planned Parenthood. The exploitation of human life, the cover-up, and the black market profiteering by America’s largest abortion chain is not only egregious and heartbreaking, but exposes how the abortion giant is corrupt to the core — from the CEO, Cecile Richards, down to the local clinic. As Live Action has investigated through the years, Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practices reveal their contempt for rule of law and human life. This latest expose of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby parts for profit should be the final nail in the coffin for the abortion giant. Congress must take immediate action to stop all taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and end the bankrolling of this horrific human rights abuser.”

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, tells LifeNews he is also calling on Congress to get involved.

“I have been involved for decades in the effort to expose the evidence that the abortion industry sells the body parts of the babies it kills,” Fr. Pavone stated, “and I welcome this new evidence provided by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress. The undercover videos and documentation, which have begun to be publicized today, show how people at the highest levels of Planned Parenthood are negotiating the sale of body parts, and adjusting the way they perform abortions so that the body parts are more accessible. This violates both the law and the most basic sense of human decency.”

“This activity violates state and federal laws that prohibit the sale of human body parts. Moreover, this new evidence shows that Planned Parenthood is still using the partial-birth abortion procedure, which has also been banned by law at the state and federal level,” he continued.

“We therefore call on Congress to investigate this activity and to stop federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Moreover, we call on the United States Senate to vote on and pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which will protect many of the babies whose bodies are being cut up and sold in this manner,” Fr. Pavone said.

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