NEW YORK -- Another undercover video about the sale of body parts by Planned Parenthood was released today. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and author of Abolishing Abortion, issued the following statement:
"The video released today reinforces the evidence that Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of baby body parts -- an activity that is illegal. Why, then, do Democrats continue to call this scandal a fraud? The video makes reference to the undercover effort that Life Dynamics undertook 15 years ago; we were involved in that effort with them. People called it a fraud back then, and the people in today's video did as well. But it wasn't. Planned Parenthood and the wider abortion industry were guilty then and they are guilty now.
“It is up to Congress and the states to stop the flow of taxpayer money to an organization involved in this highly unethical and illegal activity."