Fr. Pavone hails creation of panel to investigate Planned Parenthood

Priests for Life

Publication Date: October 08, 2015

NEW YORK – Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, today released the following statement on the House of Representatives vote to create a Select Investigative Panel on Planned Parenthood:
“The creation of this select panel is another sign that Congress takes seriously the evidence that Planned Parenthood is breaking federal law and committing atrocities that should not be tolerated. 
“The Democrats in Congress who claim these investigations are a waste of time or a partisan witch-hunt should stop the nonsense and admit the fact that Congress has a responsibility – and the taxpayers have a right – to know how federal funds are being used, especially when there is reason to think that they are being used contrary to the law.
“Those who claim there is no wrongdoing here should not be afraid of an investigation, but rather should welcome it as a way of clearing the air.”
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