Excerpts below. Read the entire article at LiveActionNews.org
A Catholic University has rescheduled an event featuring a Planned Parenthood speaker after pro-lifers expressed outrage over the event as well as the way it was promoted.
According to the Cardinal Newman Society, the Seattle Nursing Students for Sexual and Reproductive Justice (an unofficial student group at Seattle University) planned to host an “Catholicism and Full Spectrum Reproductive Healthcare: One Provider’s Perspective” in late February. After doing some research, the Society discovered the speaker to be Dr. Sara Pentlicky, an abortionist from Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, who was to share “her personal story about growing up Catholic and her experience offering full spectrum reproductive care.”
Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life, told the Newman Society, “It’s hard to believe that this sacrilegious flyer is coming from a Catholic university, and that a Planned Parenthood speaker has been invited to address students. Students who choose Catholic colleges, and the parents who help pay the tuition, are looking for an education that is consistent with their faith.”