In a March 16, 2016 press release National Director of Priests for Life Father Frank Pavone, commenting on President Obama’s decision to nominate federal appeals court Judge Merrick Garland, opined that now “is no time for a lame duck President to push through a judge for a lifetime appointment.”
“The Senate is both completely justified and correct in permitting the next President, whoever that may be, to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice, and the next Senate to vote on that nominee,” stated Fr. Pavone. “This is no time for a lame duck President to push through a judge for a lifetime appointment. Let the American people speak, in the elections, about the direction they want the court and the nation to go.”
Given Priests for Lifes’ ardent and continuing battle for the cause of religious liberty, Fr. Pavone and Priests for Life “are more aware than usual of the impact of the Supreme Court, as our religious liberty case, Priests for Life vs. HHS, which challenges the HHS mandate, goes into oral argument at the Supreme Court this coming Wednesday,” said Fr. Pavone.
“Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley have announced that the U.S. Senate will not take any action on any nominee President Obama puts forward for the high court,” continued Fr. Pavone. “I am confident that they will remain firm in their commitment.”