Excerpts below. Read the entire article here.
Gov Robert Bentley signed a second bill that prohibits abortion clinics from operating within 2,000 feet of schools
Alabama Gov Robert Bentley last week signed into law a bill to protect unborn children from dismemberment abortions, a measure that “is starting to transform the debate about abortion policy in the United States,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.
By signing the two abortion bills, Bentley “is protecting not only the unborn, but also the children of his state,” said Fr Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. “No child should be killed at any stage, but the brutality of the dismemberment procedure makes it particularly obvious that it should be banned.”
He added: “Also, none of our communities should have abortion mills in their midst but it is especially macabre to have a killing center next to a school, so this is another important law.”