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Father Frank Pavone is the well-known director for Priests for Life, the largest pro-life organization in the Church today. He brings his message to a new book for both homilists and laity alike. Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary is a fantastic resource for meditation various pro-life themes.
Part One of the book lays the groundwork for what’s ahead. “I wrote these pages to help priests and deacons preach, in truth and compassion, about what the United States Bishops have called “the fundamental human rights issue of our day,” that is abortion. I hope this book will also be helpful for Christian ministers of other denominations and for all who want to speak about life issues from a Christian perspective. My hope is that the reflections will provide a springboard, a stimulus to prayerful thought, from which you will be able to build a fruitful pro-life ministry adapted to the concrete situation in which you serve.”
We are called to defend life. However, to do so we need a firm understanding of what our faith teaches and that respect. Their is no better way top learn than to dive into Scripture itself and see what God speaks about on this topic. Here is wher Father Pavone provides and amazingly accessible tool.
In what would seem to be a massive project the book contains what Father Pavone has referred to as meditations rather than outright homilies. They serve multiple purposes based upon who the reader is. In the case of a homilist these are perfect springboards for more in-depth homilies. If laity are using the book the reflections are ideal for reflection and meditation. There are entries included for every Sunday in all three cycles A, B, and C in the liturgical year.
Don’t be fooled by the intent of this book. Though obviously intended for the use of priests and deacons for homily prep, there is much fruit for the laity in this volume as well. In fact in provides a clear message for anyone wishing to speak of the pro-lifemovement.From the dust jacket: “Drawing from God’s Word. he (Father Pavone) gives rich spiritual sustenance to energize, motivate, and encourage you to proclaim the message of life without fear.”
Be not afraid, step out an proclaim the sanctity of life. Defend the unborn and do so utilizing the Word of God. Father Frank Pavone has provided the tool accomplish this. Take, read and proclaim.