Father Frank Pavone: We Will Eventually See Victory Over the Evil of Abortion

Emily Derois

Document Publication: LifeNews.com

Publication Date: July 19, 2016

Below is an excerpt. Read the entire article at LifeNews.com

The Rev. Frank Pavone’s commitment to defending all life is evident in the gentle yet ardent manner in which he speaks. Through his work as national director of Priests for Life and his many other roles, his tireless efforts to protect all life continue to inspire pro-lifers across the world.
Father Pavone is a Roman Catholic priest dedicated to defending life from conception to natural death. He was ordained in 1988, and since 1993 has worked solely in pro-life ministries. He is the national director of the church’s largest pro-life ministry, Priests for Life. His concern for life extends to post-abortive families as the national pastoral director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and Rachel’s Vineyard, a retreat for post-abortive mothers and fathers. Among his many other roles, he is also president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, and he has written several books about abortion.
Last week, LifeNews had the pleasure of interviewing Pavone at the National Right to Life annual convention in Virginia.
LifeNews: How did you become involved in the pro-life movement?
Pavone: I was in high school when I first became interested in the movement. The way that happened was through the March for Life. It was so impressive because it was bitter cold, but yet there were these tens of thousands of people marching. They were serious and aware that this was a very sad tragedy, but they were happy and filled with faith. The combination of that impressed me right from the start, as well as the diversity of the crowd. It just struck me how this is a big movement and a big issue, and my interest in it only grew from there.
Read the rest of this article at LifeNews.com

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