Not your grandfather’s Party

Priests for Life

Publication Date: October 17, 2016

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, released today a “timeline” showing some of the changes in the Democratic Party Platform between 1952 and 2016. It quotes from the party platforms for most of the intervening versions of it (issued every four years), and focuses on three issues of key concern to many citizens: abortion, sexual morality, and gay marriage.
This document shows that the worldview and policy preferences of the Democratic party today are not what they were in the past, and the change brings that worldview farther away from that of the Christian and Biblical faith on basic matters of morality.
“Moral corruption is not only found in individuals; it is also found in laws, public policies, party platforms, and court decisions,” explained Fr. Pavone. “As the U.S. Bishops have indicated, we should not vote merely according to party loyalty, but according to principle. To do that, we have to know how the party platforms have changed. Anyone, furthermore, who builds walls against the smallest children, keeping them from the right to be born, is not acting as a Christian.”
To see the Democratic party platform timeline at
To see a nonpartisan comparison of the Republican and Democratic platforms on a range of issues, click here.

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