As he has been doing since 1994, Fr. Frank Pavone is again attending the meeting this week of the United States Catholic Bishops, who gather twice a year to undertake the business of the bishops' conference. The meeting occurs this week in Baltimore. Various priests and lay leaders also attend in different capacities in order to interact with the bishops and have various events (luncheons, receptions, etc.) to strengthen the unity and communication between those ministries and the bishops. In that spirit, Priests for Life holds its own private luncheon for its advisory bishops and other interested bishops, and updates them about all the work that Priests for Life is doing in the service of the dioceses: providing resources for preaching and counseling, helping parishes and dioceses mobilize their people for pro-life activity, promote political responsibility, provide tools for healing after abortion (such as Rachel's Vineyard and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign), provide help with reaching the African-American community (through the ministry of Dr. Alveda King), help with Youth Outreach (under the direction of Bryan Kemper and Stand True), provide resources in Spanish, and much more.
"I have received the thanks of many bishops, who continue to compliment our work, and thank us for the generous way in which our whole team makes itself and its resources available. They have commented to me about how large and active a following we have -- and for that, we are grateful to all the priests, deacons, and lay people, across denominational lines, who associate themselves with our work," Fr. Pavone said.
Fr. Frank