Priests for Life Applauds Investigations of Abortion Industry

Priests for Life

Publication Date: December 01, 2016

NEW YORK -- During the course of the 114th Congress, the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Live has been investigating the atrocities carried out by the abortion industry, including:
Selling the brains, heart, lungs, and livers of children after they are aborted;
Performing abortions in the seventh, eighth, and ninth months of pregnancy;
Killing babies born alive after a failed abortion;
Partial-birth abortions;
Medicaid fraud 
Today, in light of the debate and vote to be held at 2:30 p.m. ET on H. Res. 933, to allot the necessary funds to offset the costs of the panel, Priests for Life has sent an action alert to all our followers to express their support for such action, and their gratitude to the Republican members of the Panel: 
The Honorable Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee - 07) - Chairman
The Honorable Joseph Pitts (Pennsylvania - 16)
The Honorable Diane Black (Tennessee - 06)
The Honorable Larry Bucshon (Indiana - 08)
The Honorable Sean Duffy (Wisconsin - 07)
The Honorable Andy Harris (Maryland - 01)
The Honorable Vicky Hartzler (Missouri - 04)
The Honorable Mia Love (Utah - 04)
“In today's debate, we expect to see on full display the hypocrisy and total lack of conscience on the part of the Democratic members of the House who, with rare exception, are pro-abortion, and who express far more outrage toward those who expose the atrocities of the abortion industry than toward those who commit them,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life.
“We are grateful for our new President-elect and his administration, which is being formed in these very days, as well as for the newly elected pro-life members of Congress, and their commitment to defending the weakest children. We look forward to renewed efforts next year to shine a bright light on the corruption of the abortion industry and bring it to an end.”
Today's action alert about the Select Panel, as well as other action alerts, are found at
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

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