Americans agree: ‘first 100 days’ test for Trump is bogus

Jennifer Harper

Document Publication: The Washington Times - Washington, DC

Publication Date: April 26, 2017

President Trump says the “first 100 days” litmus test for White House achievement is ridiculous. The rest of the nation is not very keen on the idea either, which is reassuring. A new CBS News poll finds that 62 percent of all Americans say that 100 days is simply “not enough time” for them to judge the work of Mr. Trump and his administration. Of course, there’s a partisan divide: 82 percent of Republicans agree, along with 69 percent of independents and 37 percent of Democrats.

“A president’s ratings at the 100-day mark don’t predict much about what his or her ratings will do over their term. Historically, recent Presidents’ approval ratings have moved up and down after those 100 days, depending on events and their performance as the years went on,” the poll analysis noted.



Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez created some ripples in his party’s solidarity when he insisted that being a pro-choice Democrat “is nonnegotiable” — a rigid proclamation that caused even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to take notice, and not in a good way.

Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, sees an opportunity, however. He is now “inviting pro-life Democrats who are no longer welcome in their party to cross the aisle,” noting that a recent Pew Research Center poll found that 28 percent of Democrats say they would like to see abortion illegal in all or most cases.

“Perez and all Democratic public officials who support child-killing are hypocrites on many levels, because they are unwilling to describe the very procedure they support. I want to hear Mr. Perez quote the medical textbooks on abortion as they describe the tearing off of the arms and legs of a baby and the crushing of her head. Then the debate can begin,” Father Pavone advises.

“Meanwhile, what are those pro-life Democrats to do, trapped in a party that clearly doesn’t want them? Some work to change the party. But if the party doesn’t listen, switch parties,” the priest adds.


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