Abortion Clinic Caught Arranging Abortion on 26-Week-Old Baby to Cover Up Incest

Micaiah Bilger

Document Publication: LifeNews.com

Publication Date: May 24, 2017

A new undercover investigation of a late-term abortion facility in New Mexico is raising questions about whether it is reporting cases of suspected sexual abuse of minors to authorities.

In the latest undercover call by Abortion Free New Mexico and Priests for Life, an investigator posing as a minor calls Southwestern Women’s Options to ask about scheduling a late-term abortion.

Southwestern is based in Albuquerque. It is one of the few abortion clinics in the United States that will abort an unborn baby for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy.

In the new audio recording, the caller tells the abortion center staff that she is 16 and was impregnated by an older family member. Listen to the call here.

Instead of urging the young woman to contact authorities, the staffer gives the young woman information about the state Medicaid office where she can ask about qualifying for a free, taxpayer-funded abortion, according to the pro-life groups.

Read the rest of this article at LifeNews.com

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