Abortion facility advises incest victim to call Medicaid — not police

Nancy Flanders

Document Publication: LiveActionNews.org

Publication Date: May 26, 2017

In a new undercover call released on May 22 by Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico, a minor can be heard telling a staff member of a late term abortion clinic that she is 26 weeks pregnant by a family member. The incest victim tells the staff member that she is just 16 years old and asks if she can get an abortion without her family finding out about the abortion or the incest.
“I’m wondering if I can get an abortion even though I’m under 18 and what my parents have to know about it,” the caller says. “I mean I’ve known I’ve been pregnant for a while but it was an older family member that did this to me and I really don’t want them to know that.”
The clinic staff member tells the caller about the laws in New Mexico and informs her that she can have an abortion without her parents’ knowledge if she is under 18 years of age and 26 weeks pregnant. Then the staffer tells the caller that an abortion will cost $7,500. The girl says she doesn’t have insurance — but if she were on her parents’ insurance and trying to hide the pregnancy and abuse, she wouldn’t have been able to use it anyway without her parents’ knowledge. The abortion facility staffer tells her the clinic can loan her 20 percent of the cost and advises her to call Medicaid to ask for emergency pregnancy Medicaid, which may cover the entire cost of the abortion. It appears the clinic is more concerned with making money than getting actual help for this girl, who could quite possibly be sent straight from the abortion back to her abuser.

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