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June 8, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Track star and Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross "fell into the depths of despair" after having an abortion just weeks before competing in the 2008 Games, she wrote in her newly-released memoir Chasing Grace.
Aborting her baby "seemed like no choice at all," Richards-Ross recalled in an excerpt published by People. "Everything I ever wanted seemed to be within reach. The culmination of a lifetime of work was right before me ... The debate of when life begins swirled through my head, and the veil of a child out of wedlock at the prime of my career seemed unbearable. What would my sponsors, my family, my church, and my fans think of me?"
Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, told LifeSiteNews that the runner's story is "like thousands" she has heard since she and Georgette Forney founded the organization in 2002.
"There is so much abortion truth in her story – her regret, her feeling of brokenness, and her resentment that her now-husband did nothing to stop the abortion, even though he apparently considered the baby a blessing," said Morana. "I applaud her for including this difficult chapter in her life in her memoir as a way of reaching out to other female athletes, both those who might face a similar situation in the future and those who might have chosen abortion in the past and are feeling that same regret."
"Now that she and her husband are looking forward to the arrival of another child, I hope they will seek deeper healing from their abortion experience," Morana continued. "So many women, and men, find it hard to bond with children born after abortion until they do find that healing. I would like to invite Ms. Richards-Ross and her husband to join Silent No More to help us reach out to those hurting after abortion. Their story can help untold numbers of people who are suffering in silence."