Immediate reaction to U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tended to fall along ideological lines and focus on Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion. But some Catholic commentators are looking beyond the "culture war" issues and raising concerns about how the Catholic nominee might rule on other "life" issues as well.
Those who oppose abortion tend to favor "originalists," too. Fr. Frank Pavone, the controversial head of Priests for Life, praised Kavanaugh, whom he said would bring "humility" to the court by not "inventing rights … such as the right to kill a child."
Pavone said he had "great confidence" in Kavanaugh's nomination, in a commentary during a Facebook live video after Trump's announcement. "So many of us worked so hard to elect President Trump," he said. "This was the issue that motivated so many people to come out and vote for him."
Kavanaugh brought up his own religious faith in his remarks, noting that he attended a Jesuit high school whose motto was "Men for others," coaches CYO basketball at his daughters' Catholic school and volunteers at a Catholic Charities soup kitchen. Kavanaugh is reportedly a lector at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Chevy Chase, Maryland.